
Anne Crawford
on 4/3/10 12:33 pm - GA
I know.  I kNOW!  I am blessed.  But...oh my goodness I stay in pain.  I have really bad feeling menstrual cramps and the B&Hs wont leave.  And the pressure sucks the big one!  And I am *****Y and mean to EVERYONE, especially the DH.  I feel like I have the flu, with the addition of those lovely symptoms.  My hands and arms wont quit going to sleep, and my legs keep cramping up.  My butt hurts, my pelvis hurts, and whenever the baby moves, it hurts too. 

UGH.  I know.  I will forget it when I have the baby.  OMG...I really hope everybody else is feeling good...because I will be 36wks tomorrow and I just dont know how much more of the pain I can take.  Not dilated, baby not dropped, 50% effaced...and I feel like this?  I wonder if I can get an epidural for the last few weeks of pregnancy?  I am sooo not kidding!

And working?  Everybody ****** me off.  Especially the two ladies I am training to do my job while I'm on maternity leave.  I think I could train chimps easier, or even little kids.   I have no patience, and I don't want to be there.  Sitting hurts, laying hurts, walking SUCKS....can you say CRYBABY?

If you have gotten this far into my whining, God bless u.  I just feel like CRAP!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!

on 4/3/10 12:58 pm - Hoschton, GA
Hang in there, it won't be much longer even though it feels like forever.  Take lots of baths, that is what I had to do.

Tabetha A.
on 4/3/10 1:04 pm - Ajax, Canada
 Hang in there!  I sooo remember this feeling.  It was mid-august when I went through this!  HEATWAVE!  I left work a month early because I couldnt stand people and was so miserable.  Cry if you want to!  It's okay!  I loved being pregnant until the 9th month!  I was so glad when he wound up being breeched and I got to have a csection  a week earlier than my due date, as sick as that sounds!  LOL

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on 4/4/10 12:38 am
I don't know if you feel comfortable talking with your doc, but it seems to me that this level of pain with the cramping and contractions is going to really take a toll on your health and well being, and perhaps they should consider an earlier induction. My older sister had a pregnancy like this and ended up having to be induced early because she couldn't take it- once you hit 37 weeks you are considered full term for many Docs. I would seriously advocate for myself in your situation. Labor is tough, recovery is tough, and you need to be able to physically take it. Screw work and the rest of the world if need be- You're a few days away from 37 weeks- I would call tomorrow! Good luck. My philosophy is that pain is never normal, and it sounds like yours is way out of hand. Docs are paid to help alleviate that.

on 4/4/10 1:29 am - Halsey, OR
I am sorry you feel so miserable, that sucks. I was lucky last pregnancy and didn't get too miserable towards the end like I kept hearing about, but I was induced right at 37 weeks too, so I didn't have that last few weeks of misery. This pregnancy has been much different, with more pains and aches so I assume I'll be feeling the misery too. Hope it gets better for you or I hope you go into labor right at 37 weeks!
Tami   "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13
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Sarah V.
on 4/4/10 10:09 am
I showed your post to my husband so he could see how good how good he has it!!! Hang in there, Chick. Won't be long now.
Anne Crawford
on 4/4/10 11:47 am - GA
Ha ha!  Because he has an awesome wife or because he's not pregnant????  LOL & the hubs got into it today right after church.  Awesome church service, felt great, and then we just launched right into a fight and then I blubbered into sobbing tears!  UGH...its like PMS 24/7 here.

So...I have decided to get this baby to drop so I have started sitting on an exercise(birthing) ball and try to get the baby to become anterior vs posterior so maybe her BIG OLE head can drop into my pelvis and we can move things along naturally.  I don't want her to come before 37 wks, but anytime after next SUnday I wont complain.  I already think she is at least a week ahead of what they think since she has been measuring ahead from the very beginning and I know she weighs at the least, 7lbs now.  And she is def practicing her breathing since she gets hiccups every day.

Soooo...I have decided to quit my *****ing(for tonight) and be proactive.  I'm gonna walk alot the next three days and see if at my appt Wednesday we have progress.  Gosh I hope so!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!

on 4/4/10 9:05 pm - weston, FL

ohh :( the end is the worst... i told my ob the day before i went into labor... to "get this baby out because i dont care if people live or die or crash or burn or anything.. im going back to midnights saturday and everyone WILL do all of the above execpt live"... and she said ok ok ok and sched an induction... what about floating? can you go lay in a pool?

Anne Crawford
on 4/4/10 10:28 pm - GA
I'm seriously contemplating it...but will I drown being weighed down my this huge belly????

Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!

on 4/5/10 6:06 am - Flowery Branch, GA
I'll throw my inane whining out there and we can be miserable together....

My right butt/hip area hurts every day. I get this pain in my low-right back any time I try to do anything more than lay around all day. My hands and feet are swelling regardless of how much water I drink. I'm with you on the stupid people who are supposed to do your job while you're out.... I'm seriously scared to leave the girl I've been training for 3 months. I know I'll be coming back to a TRAIN WRECK! Baby dropped around 32 weeks and her head keeps slamming into some nerve in my pubic bone area causing this sharp pain. Walking sucks thanks to the swollen feet. I keep having to ask DH to do stupid stuff that I can't because my hands are swollen and it hurts to do anything too strenuous.... like open jars, use the staple gun, hand sand the parts this thing I'm refinishing that the electric sander can't reach, etc. I wake up at least 5 times at night.

If one more person asks me how I feel I'm going to scream. One girl asks me every freakin time I see her.... this AM she asked how I was feeling then an hour later she said "You feeling pretty good?" I'm thinking "HELLO I JUST told you NO I'm TIRED and I feel like **** Look at me... do I LOOK like I'm feeling pretty good?!? NO! I'm wearing flip flops in an OFFICE, no makeup, my hair is in a greasy ponytail, and I'm hobbling around like someone broke my pelvis. Yes, I feel fabulous."
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