I don't think you can get it without a script, but I do know it definately pays to shop around the different pharmacy's. Years ago, when I was on Clomid, I had to pay for it out of pocket and I was AMAZED at athe difference in the price between the different pharmacys. I was getting prices anywhere from $35 to as much as $75 for the same prescription!!!! If you call around to the different pharmacys in your area, they will tell you over the phone how much it will be, based on the mg, whether it is 50, 100, 150 etc.
Good luck!
Good luck!
I am not entirely sure, but I believe Walmart has clomid (or its counterpart Serophene) as one of their generic prescriptions -- like $4. You might want to check.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
- 3/07
- 12/07
- 3/08
- 5/09
- 11/10
- 2/11
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

hehehe Thought about you last night. I was watching the HBO special on the OSU-UM rivalry. i was talking to Punkin the whole time about not likeing MI and that OSU was better. Thought you would get a laugh out of it.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
I wouldn't want to try to get it online.......never know what yer gonna get.......type thing.
When I took it (the once) it WAS some unGodly price per pill and if your insurance doesn't cover it (which mine didn't even though I had infertility benefits) it can be pricey if you have to take it month after month. I don't think I had the option of generic so I'd check Ann's suggestion of checking with Wal-Mart. Obviously you have to have a script and most Dr's won't give it to you unless you've been trying unsuccessfully to try to conceive for at least a year (that weight may be shorter if you are older).
Good luck!
When I took it (the once) it WAS some unGodly price per pill and if your insurance doesn't cover it (which mine didn't even though I had infertility benefits) it can be pricey if you have to take it month after month. I don't think I had the option of generic so I'd check Ann's suggestion of checking with Wal-Mart. Obviously you have to have a script and most Dr's won't give it to you unless you've been trying unsuccessfully to try to conceive for at least a year (that weight may be shorter if you are older).
Good luck!