Results of Gender Party
Looks like we're on Team Pink again! We had our little family Gender Party earlier today. The ultrasound was on Friday afternoon. The radiology tech put the picture of our little bundle of joy in an envelope with the gender labeled. We took the envelope to our friend who made our cake. It was beautiful! Take a look in my album marked "Gender Cake". The cake was covered in light green fondant with blue, pink, and brown circular shapes all over it. She even threaded together rolled fondant of all 3 colors to make a giant question mark to put on the top of the cake. Our family who showed up for lunch had no idea we would be surprising them with this! We were thrilled to see pink when we cut into it! All of my measurements are looking good and I'm measuring 3 days ahead of schedule. We're going on Friday for our 4D ultrasound. We want one more opinion on the gender before we start putting together the nursery. I've posted pics of the top of the cake, the side of the cake, and a pic of my little girl Bella after we cut into it and saw the pink! Have a great day ladies!
Congratulations on being Team Pink! The cake was gorgeous! And, I know I said this on your other post, but the idea was the best I've ever heard for revealing the gender. So awesome!
Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!