Recently found out I am pregnant
Congrats to all the new and soon to be mommys out there... I am one year post op, we were using contraception and voila here a little surprise...I never kept track of my periods since I have PCOS and preop i could go months without a period. so when the doctor asked me from my LMP we guessed. I went for my first U/S and it was showing less then what I would be if my date was correct basicaly the tech said well there is a yolk sac but other then that w can't see anything bec i was showing at 5w2d which is early. I did those digital test that show approx weeks and the numbers arent adding up. I was so scared thinking the babys not growing becasue of the surgery etc. I am iron deficient anemic which is not good for a growing baby, i have always had iron trouble my whole life. I was also prscribed Tramacet about 9 months agofor my arthritus and was on that when I got pregnant the dotor has weaned me off ut i think about it not know the effects of course as any mother would. So now I wait i am suppose to have a follow up U/S next friday wheich would put me according to my last U/S at 7w2d so I am trying to think logically like well if something is wrong there is nothing they can do and then i think everything is fine and im worrying too much. I had a previous Blood clot post op in my lung and of course pregnant women are reater riskfor blood clots so i worry about that too. Guess I am just plan worried and trying so hard not to be...I have two other children a 17 year old and 3 year old almost 4. i never could conceive and then one time i lost 110lbs on my own and i had my 2nd son. I houlda known losing all this weight i'd get pregnant lol. I am excited and scared i guess...i'm sure you all have been there....I keep getting worrying things goign on like i call the dr and the secretary says dr wants a U/S asap. then she says just to verify dates. then finally she sends off my referral to an OB and the ob office says oh i see a note here that your GP wants to speak with the OB and that she wants you to get in to see her ASAP. then she gives me an appoitment for a month at least i have the U/S to look forward to i was considerig buying a doppler im that worried but my husband says I'm just nurotic...maybe so