Curious about what other think...
The past 2 night's when I finally sit down and relax I am getting A LOT of contractions I just figure there BH contractions... I had 4 in 15 minutes the other night but they were all over the place... and after I got a phone call I lost count... After I went to bed they stopped... I mean I get contractions all day long but don't pay attention... I am in the middle of moving and just tired. I already think I am dilating and 32 weeks with twins... I tell my doctor these things but he just acts like it's no big deal, at least the last doctor I seen ( there's 4 diff. one's where I go)... No one has checked if I am dilating yet even though I have asked just in case...I don't want these boys to come to early... I never really felt my contractions with my daughter until I was in labor and I was induced... So I don't really know if and or when I should call the doctor about contractions... Obviously if my water breaks I know to call the doctor but what else should I call for? Some of these contractions double me over and I cant walk... Some are stronger then others... Idk just need other thoughts about this... thanks
on 3/22/10 4:33 am - Flowery Branch, GA
I didn't have BH or contractions at all with my first child until after my water broke. They are much more common with subsequent pregnancies.
Just curious, why do you think you're dialated? The reason the doc hasn't checked is because some women walk around dialated for weeks before labor and it doesn't really make a difference in when she will deliver. If the babies are positioned a certain way it can make you feel like they're about to fall out. Now that my baby is head down, every time I have to pee I feel like she's going to fall right out I swear lol. I'll need to pee like crazy but I have to walk slow to the bathroom because I swear it feels like she's going to come on out.