Just saying hi!
Longtime lurker here coming out of the closet... have been TTC for about 8 months now, but figured that it was time to say hello! I had PCOS before my WLS but labs run at a year out from my surgery showed my levels where they should be and normal. I'm pretty sure that the big reason for no luck so far was because of the personal lubricant I was using (astroglide)... I had no idea that it could be so bad for the swimmers! I just ordered some Pre-Seed and it should be here soon. CD2 for me, so it will come just in time. I've been using the Clear Blue fertility monitor that I had from when we TTC 5+ years ago and the last two months show that I am ovulating, so that's good. Got the "egg" both months, when we were TTC my son I never got that peak egg on the monitor, yet we managed to get pregnant. We'll see... I think that the big thing for me was the lube... we shall see!
Just wanted to say hello to everyone!
Just wanted to say hello to everyone!