My trip to L&D on Sunday, sorry if TMI, very emotional...

Jennifer M.
on 3/15/10 8:50 am - Deal Island, MD
As you all know by now I have had a really rough time with my pregnancy. I have been bleeding since week 5, and it's been one problem after another. My main doctor works in a group with 6 other doctors, and you never see the same person because they want you to get to know them all so if one of the other doctors is on call when you go into labor, you allready know the doctor. Anyways, last friday I kind of forced my doctors office into giving my my rogahm shot. All the research I had been doing indicated that, being rh negative, as soon as I started bleeding, I should have recieved a shot. They wanted me to wait untill 28 weeks, but I said no, so they gave it to me.
I didnt have any bleeding again untill Sunday. I woke up and my stomach just hurt. It was low in my abdomen and sharp. I thought it was probably gas, because I did have a peice of pizza that night. I had a bout of diarreah (sorry if tmi!!) and figured that was why my tummy hurt. About 10 minutes after that I felt a sharp burning pain in my vagina. It hurt to even walk to the bathroom. When I got there I put some tolet paper down there and I was literally squirting bright red blood onto the paper. (think ketchup quirting out of the squeeze bottle) I freaked out and called for my husband and he saww it, freaked out and got me the phone. I called the oncall dr and left a message. 30 minutes later this Dr I had never met yet called back. She was really brisque and told me to 'come in if I thought it was an issue'. So we went up there and had to call the nurses desk from the very full and silent waiting room. They wanted me to tell them what was going on in front of a room full of strangers, and I told the lady no, I would tell her privatley. She told me to have a seat then and they'd 'get to me when they could'. I sat crying in the waiting room for almost 30 minutes. Finally they came and got me and took me to a triage room. She told me to undress and then hop up on the table. I couldnt get up. The table was too high. She grumbled under her breath as she got me the stool, and then started fidgeting with the controls of the table, she said she wasnt sure how to adjust the stirrups, so I would have to 'use them in the postion they were in, which would have made me do the splits. i tried and couldnt do it. So she moved me, all the while *****ing under her breath. They got the heartbeat up on the monitor and then she left. And I sat there, crying, for another 30 minutes, with no call button, no water, not comfort at all. (they wouldnt let my husband or mother in law come back with me) then finally in walkss this strange doctor, i assumed the one I talked to over the phone, and she dosent introduce herself or anything, just tells me to put my feet in the sturrups and then says 'first thing we need to do is figure out if the bleeding is even coming from your vagina'. Like im a 12 year old girl who wouldnt know? Come on! But I didnt say anything and did as she said, and immediatly she is asking the nurse for gauze as the blood starts flowing out of MY VAGINA. She says, well, it 'isnt much blood, and it's looking old allready', and walks out of the room as im still up in the stirrups. I sat up and the nurse put the speculum and bloody gauze and qtips away and leaves. Then a few minutes later the dr and nurse walk back in and says shes sending me to ultrasound, and the only thing she 'cares' about is the placenta and cervix. Nice to know that she dosent care about my baby...
Anyways we have the sonogram and the tech was really nice and explains everything she sees, and indicates that she sees blood pooling in my uterus, but that it dosent appear to be coming from the placenta or cervix. Everything else appears normal. So I figure the dr is going to try and figure out what is causing the bleeding etc, but nope. As soon as I get back from the sonogram the nurse comes into the room and says i'm discharged. The dr never came back in to answer ?'s, nothing. The nurse said the dr dosent know why I have blood in my uterus, and that the dr says to go on home. And thats that. 
Wrong. This morning I decided I was sick of the 'I dont know' anwsers I ve been getting, and decided I want a second opinion. So I called the high risk dr that my insurance and ob refer too. I spoke with the nurse and gave her my history. After speaking with her for awhile she said I should have been refered to them weeks ago! She tells me she will handle everything and call my dr office for a referal and copies of my file. She told me to call back later to make sure they had recieved everything I needed, as the office is 3 hours away from us. I called and sure enough the dr office hadnt sent any paper work at all. SO they asked me to call the office, and I got ahold of the referal specialist. She has an attitude and says 'I talked with the doctor you saw in the er, and she says she never told you to see a high risk dr, so Im not sending anything.' I told her that I never once said the dr told me to see the high risk, that I wanted to go on my own to get a second opinion and make sure we arent missing anything. She puts me on hold for 20 minutes, and then a nurse gets on the phone and says 'two of the doctors confered with each other, and decided they are not going to give you a referal, you have to be on your own on this.' I was like fine, but you have to give me my records, so i'll be there in an hour to pick them up. I called the specialist and they said not to worry about the dr office, just come in and they will take care of me. At that point I lost it and just sobbed. I couldnt believe my obgyn didnt understand that it is my job as a parent to make sure we arent missing anything, it isnt a personal attack. I am so tired of all this, I just want answers, and a healthy little girl!!
Thanks for listening to me vent, and if you have any suggestions or comments, please do so!!

Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!

Liz R.
on 3/15/10 9:21 am - Easton, PA
WOW! I would be changing OBs instantly! What a bunch of insensitve people!! Oh and filing a complaint with ANYONE that would listen!

 I am so sorry that you are going through all of this! When is your appt with the high risk Dr? I sure hope that they can give you some concrete answers and do something to stop the bleeding AND make sure that your baby is ok!


Jennifer M.
on 3/15/10 9:41 am - Deal Island, MD
Liz, thank you so much for the 'hugs' :) I have the appointment tommorrow at 3:30pm, and am praying that he tells me everything is fine. We know at this point she is very active and seemingly healthy, but at not quite 21 weeks, she wouldnt survive on the outside, and that scares me so, so much. I thought about complaining about the care i got on Sunday, but am unsure of who I would complain to. The private practice, the hospital, who? And then, will there be reprucussions when I deliver? Uggh. But yes, after I see the high risk dr, if he thinks it is safe for me to continue to see a regular ob, I am definatly trading offices. I like all the doctors in the practice except for this ER doc, but when I asked the nurse if I could put on my chart that I refuse to see her and she said I could, however if she is the doctor on call when I deliver, I would 'have' to see her, as shed be the only person in the practice there. I said, well at that point couldnt I refuse care from her and see an ob from a different practice, and she told me no, that I couldnt. So, Idk. I guess i need to change...

Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!

on 3/15/10 9:45 am
I sure hope everything gets better. Praying for you guys!
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11

Jennifer M.
on 3/15/10 9:46 am - Deal Island, MD
Thank you so much Shannyn!

Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!

on 3/15/10 10:41 am
When you posted about your rh issue and asked if you should change ob's I said I wouldn't.

Well I changed my mind now! Run don'y walk to a new OB practice!

I'd write more about the horrible situation you endured but I am on my cell phone. (as you can tell by my typos!)


Surgery on 4/25/05 , Dr. Alverdy in Chicago.  God Bless the DS !!!
Highest Weight = 412lbs, Surgery Weight = 359lbs, Current Weight = 155lbs (5'7" tall)

Jennifer M.
on 3/15/10 10:48 am - Deal Island, MD
I soooo am!!!

Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!

Kathy W.
on 3/15/10 4:14 pm - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
I would so be telling the hospital about this. Admin, for the most part, cares about what happens. I say for the most part cause they are the ones that cuts staff and funding. But if you get horrible treatment they care. Good luck with the new ob and the high risk one.

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 3/15/10 4:17 pm

You're obviously a nicer person than I am...because by the time I called the dr office for the referral and copies of my records, there'd be all sorts of filth and foul coming from my mouth when they told me they wouldn't do it. 

I'm so glad to hear that you're going to find another ob/gyn if the high risk dr thinks it necessary...but I hope the high risk dr just keeps you as their patient.  if they do, would it change the hospital you'd deliver at?

I can't believe that the ER dr didn't even come in to tell you herself that she didn't know what was causing the bleeding.  It's not the nurse's job to give a diagnosis or lack there of...that's the f'ing dr's job. 

I seriously hope you get some answers, some better medical care...and that you keep on baking for a few more months!

 January 2008, 
               July 2008
               December 2008  
               July 2009
               September 2010
               July 2011

Mom to Khaled

(deactivated member)
on 3/15/10 9:40 pm - NY

damn... sorry to hear you went threw all that... you badly need a new OB or should I say OB'S... I to go to an office where there are 4 different doctors but they are all really good... there are 2 I like more then the others but they all take good care of me. They also delt with my pregnancy with my daughter... I can not believe treated you so badly... I would have been *****ing people out at the hospital, and then again when I called my OB office... I don't care if I was in the waiting room *****ing in front of everyone... but thats how I am I always speak my mind...

I just wish u the best keep us updated...


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