Update on my 2nd job
If it's not working, then it's not working for you. If you have no choice and no other way of making it without this money, then you'll have to stick with it. That's usually my philosophy. If I can get away without it, and it's something that would be nice, then I don't put extra strain on myself over doing it. The pain is pobably just something stretching- I work on my feet all day with twins and get some strange pains sometimes. As long as they don't feel like labor, I am usually fine and simply put a call in to the office if I have questions. It's not enoyable by any means, and some shifts are hard, but I have no choice. I also attend grad school full time which involves a clinical placement this semester, and that has been hard to manage too. It sounds like you really don't want to do the job and that you feel overwhelmed. If that's the case, for your own mental well being quitting may be the better thing to do. I find when I really don't want to do something then I start to have more negative physical reactions to it, pregnant or not. If underneath everything you really don't want to then you'll hate it every day and it won't be worth suffering through, especially with a pregnancy to consider. Just a thought.