Pregnancy--wait 12 months or 18-24 months??
I am so confused! I want to do the right thing! My hubby and I have been trying to get prego for 2 years now. But my periods have been off for those 2 years so I dont even think I ovulate. Which is the main reason I wanted this surgery. So I have heard to wait for at least 12 months after surgery to get pregnant. Then I hear wait at least 18-24 months! OMG what to do! I want to have a healthy baby! Reading this forum I see people getting prego 6-7 months after surgery and having healthy babies! (I'm not planning to do that!) I just need some clarification. I have heard surgeons say both 12 months AND 18-24 months.....what have you heard?? THX!
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Just make sure to use two forms of birth control (unless you are doing the IUD, that alone is fine) for the the first 12-18 months until you want to get pregnant. A lot of us get VERY fertile once half or more of the weight comes off and can get pg very easily!
I know how difficult the wait can be...I had WLS to get pg again myself - I'm one of the 'advanced maternal age' women on here and was 38 when I had my surgery. I had (have) a loud screeching biological clock.
While you're 'waiting,' please feel free to lurk here, post any questions, whatever...learn as much as you can/want...then when you're ready...we'll be here cheering you on.
Good luck...and're doing the right thing waiting - both for yourself and your future baby.
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