Overdue update and question to anyone who has had small babies or been induced
The effects of all this, baby is very very small. They dont quite want to blame it on the surgery and my limited intake of food but they cannot tract any other reasons. The placenta is working fine, amniotic fluid is good, and I am now taking in adequate calories and carbs so they are assuming its an issue of the malabsorption. How small is baby? Right now she is only weighing in at 3 lbs 7 oz and at only the 11th percentile. They are worried and have me on modified bedrest (cant do complete cause of school and travel). They also prepped me for the idea that more than likely I will be induced as soon as I turn 37 weeks. What will determine this is if baby girl dips below the 10th percentile at any point (and they are sure she will be by my next u/s on Monday unless she has a major growth spurt) and what the high risk dr says (whom I will see tomorrow morning).
So my question...has anyone delivered an extremely small baby, like below the 10% percentile mark or who had to be induced because of a small baby? How much time did they have to stay in the NICU? I am pretty sure since she is that small she is going to have to spend some time there. At what weight do they release babies? Also, anyone whose been induced right at the term line...did you end up needing a c-section? Everything I find leads to most needing one because baby just isnt ready to come out on their own at that point. Any reassurance, advice, or knowledge, or kind words would be greatly appreciated.
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23
I don't know about this stuff, but wouldn't she continue to grow if she stayed inside of you the full gestational period?
Where are you doctors - PA or NY? I would eat good healthy food and take supplements like crazy at this point.
Don't see her a small, a premie, needing a c-section or any of the negative stuff. Envision everything going right. PREPARE, but Deal with things as they come along - that is the only control we have.
What's your little girl's name?
Hi Leila,
My doctors are in NY. Unfortunately no matter how much I eat or supplement at this point she is not going to grow as much as she needs to. The technical term is inter-uterine growth restricted. The causes of it cant always be pinpointed (at least not until after birth and everything can be medically examined) as in my case but the baby just refuses to grow on schedule. So since she will not grow inside the womb it is best for her to be outside where they can supplement with higher caloric food and watch her weight more closely.
Her name....crazy but with everything going on we still have not settled on a final name yet.
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23
Sorry that this has all been so difficult for you. I don't know how you are functioning in school with all the worries.
Just embrace and love her. No matter what, you will end up okay. BELIEVE!!!
I'm in Brooklyn if you need anything.
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23