How soon after your missed period can you take a test and the baby be detected cause I have missed my period. I was supposed to get it on Feb 26 and I havent gotten it yet. I was supose to put my nuva ring in on Feb 4th but I didnt because my husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I took a preg. test on mon. and wed this week is it too soon to know if I am pregnant or do you think I am just not preg?
My period was due on the 27th and I got a positive pregnancy test tuesday night and again on wed morning!!
You might have ovulated late and might be to early to get a positive..Good Luck!!!!!
You might have ovulated late and might be to early to get a positive..Good Luck!!!!!
*** Sw 298 ***
*** Cw 204 ***
*** Gw 170 ***
I am a brand new mom. I love my little Slayton...Now its time to get back on track!!!
*** Cw 204 ***
*** Gw 170 ***
I am a brand new mom. I love my little Slayton...Now its time to get back on track!!!
I swore I was pregnant with my daughter and so I took 2 test both neg. I waited another week and figured I would test again if still no period... So needless to say I was def. prego it just took another week to show up for me but with her I bought cheep $ store I'd wait a few days and then try again... Have you been stressed lately? cuz I know that use to delay my cycle sometimes... anywho good luck!
You can take early response tests now as soon as 6 days before your missed period (First Response tests). Since you've missed your period, if you're pregnant, you would test positive right now. If you've taken a test Mon and Wed. and it was negative, then you're probably not pregnant. You can always retest today or tomorrow, use your first morning urine tomorrow morning and retest. You may have ovulated late or implanted late and that could have made the previous tests negative, but you might show up positive if you retook your test today or tomorrow.
Good luck! Hope you get the answer you want!
Good luck! Hope you get the answer you want!