I may be going to mommy hell but...
Im so glad I read this post! Ive been a bottle feeder up untill now, and I am reall going to try hard to breastfeed this little one. I never would have known not to microwave the breastmilk!! Im so glad I know this now! Btw, I did microwave untill about two months, then I used room temp. But When they turned one i'd have sippys of milk in the fridge, and they would drink those cold. We lived in AZ at the time, so I think it was refreshing to them lol.
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
when i was feeding jayson the pre-made anti-puke formula i microwaved it... 20 seconds for 8 oz... didnt make it warm... just room temp.. when he finally grew out of the almighty puking stage... i then just used room temp tap water... and mixed in his powder... he never cared either way as long as it was in his belly.. if i was feeling like an all star mommy that day i used warm tap water LOL
WOW thanks everyone. I had no Idea not to heat breast milk in the mic or that you could feed formula at room temp! Thanks a lot!
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I had to bottle feed my daughter and after about a month, we just used room temperature water. It is so much easier and if you're out somewhere you can just use any water and don't have to worry about heating it up for them cause they're used to it. I asked my doc about that too cause I was a concerned first time mommy and he said the only reason that people heat it up is because baby's usually like it better other than that there is no purpose. I also shook the heck out of the bottles to mix up the formula. 

I've never ever heated a bottle! My little man, who was pretty much strictly bottle fed because we couldn't get the breast feeding thing to work out for him, just always drank it that way! Honesetly, I never even knew to heat it, so I always mixed it with the jugged nursery water we bought which was on the counter at room temperature. Both my mother and my mother-in-law were in shock at this!
My lil guy LOVED his bottle and really liked it the way Mommy made it. When he would go to either my Mother's or my Mother-In-Laws, they just couldn't help themselves and heated his bottle. Sometimes he wouldn't take it!!! LoL He was just used to it at room temperature. We actually had a problem with food later on tho because I didn't heat that either, and he would resist taking food if it was heated! Of course my Mother's were the ones to discover this when they served the warmed food to him on their Grammy Days. hahaha
I agree with a previous poster, when I registered, I picked up a bottle warmer, a wipe warmer, and a portable bottle warmer for the car... all items that were NEVER used in our situation!!! Just sitting in storage now!
My lil guy LOVED his bottle and really liked it the way Mommy made it. When he would go to either my Mother's or my Mother-In-Laws, they just couldn't help themselves and heated his bottle. Sometimes he wouldn't take it!!! LoL He was just used to it at room temperature. We actually had a problem with food later on tho because I didn't heat that either, and he would resist taking food if it was heated! Of course my Mother's were the ones to discover this when they served the warmed food to him on their Grammy Days. hahaha
I agree with a previous poster, when I registered, I picked up a bottle warmer, a wipe warmer, and a portable bottle warmer for the car... all items that were NEVER used in our situation!!! Just sitting in storage now!
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I didn't heat the bottles either. Max drank them cold out of the fridge or room temp. When my mom watched him she would heat them up and he drank that fine to. I just found it easy so when we were out I would just fill the bottles with water and put the formula in his divided cup.
For the ladies that use bottled water, did you use a certain type of bottled water?
Does the nursery water have flouride in it?
I always just use tap water but when I visit my sister I really do not like using her well water.
Oh one thing! When you microwave the bottles just remember to remove the nipple first. I have seen many people leave it on and the nipple will break down.
I have a little battery powered stirer (sp?). Bought it at BRU and I love it! Mixes it within seconds and leaves no air bubbles. I make 2 bottles at a time in a measuring cup.
For the ladies that use bottled water, did you use a certain type of bottled water?
Does the nursery water have flouride in it?
I always just use tap water but when I visit my sister I really do not like using her well water.
Oh one thing! When you microwave the bottles just remember to remove the nipple first. I have seen many people leave it on and the nipple will break down.
I have a little battery powered stirer (sp?). Bought it at BRU and I love it! Mixes it within seconds and leaves no air bubbles. I make 2 bottles at a time in a measuring cup.
Little Angel 8/14/09 ectopic
Regarding the nursery water, I bought it by the jug in Target and Walmart, and sometimes I found it at the grocery store. Everytime I made a shopping trip, I'd pick up another jug or two. Target actually had the double sized jugs that you can sit ontop of your fridge and they have a little pour spout like a water cooler does. So very handy! When we were out and about, I would fill a little water bottle with the nursery water to keep in our Diaper bag for quick on-the-go bottle mixing.
As far as the flouride question goes... well I can't remember... hmmm. I do know that we have well water and our Pediatrician wrote us a script for flouride to compensate for that. I do remember thinking that the nursery water was the same as distilled water (don't know if that helps at all) because I often would pick up a gallon of distilled water when I ran out of the nursery water and didn't want to make the trip to Target or Walmart.
As far as the flouride question goes... well I can't remember... hmmm. I do know that we have well water and our Pediatrician wrote us a script for flouride to compensate for that. I do remember thinking that the nursery water was the same as distilled water (don't know if that helps at all) because I often would pick up a gallon of distilled water when I ran out of the nursery water and didn't want to make the trip to Target or Walmart.
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I finally got a bottle warmer (we use some formula and also do some bottle feeding with breast milk). I don't know about ones that take 10 minutes...the one I have you put a tiny bit of water in, stick the bottle in, and it's warm in about 2 minutes, less for smaller bottles.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
I FF with my first 2 and I nuked bottles for a little bit and then realized I could just as easily run the ho****er long enough to get warm enough water to make a bottle. Evenly heated/warmed water.
I am a breastfeeder now, but I've been known to nuke a little breastmilk from time to time even though I know it degrades the milk. All 7 kids are big an healthy.
I am a breastfeeder now, but I've been known to nuke a little breastmilk from time to time even though I know it degrades the milk. All 7 kids are big an healthy.

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Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!

I did the room temperature filtered water as well during the day, but in the eveings before bed, I would heat my son's bottle up in the microwave as well. The warmer milk helped with sleep bi time. I always checked it at least three times before I fed him. Just shake it up really good and if you can use the formula bags for less air. Less air + Less gas = Happy content baby! I also learned that when your baby is old enough for some baby cereal...try mixing this in her/his bottle (just alittle) you hav eto buy the correct nipple size. Give one of those bottles to her before bed and it does keep their little tummies satisfied alittle bit longer through the night before wanting any more during the night. Of course I would ask your Pediatrician first though for when the the best time is to start this. My son loved it at night and he was full and content. I also had my son on Gentle Ease Infamil from 2 weeks old on to help with sensitive tummies. I would have breastfed him, but he was our foster baby and then we adopted him at the age of 7 months old. He's now 2.5 years old and he weighs 39 pounds and stands 41 inches tall! LOL! He;s my little line backer, so I guess we did good with his feedings. LOL!
Don't threat with all of the she says/he says do's and don'ts...it will come naturally to you. Like I said I had my baby boy since he was about 1 week old and it's been natural since. You'll make the right decisions for you both! Have fun with your little joy!
Don't threat with all of the she says/he says do's and don'ts...it will come naturally to you. Like I said I had my baby boy since he was about 1 week old and it's been natural since. You'll make the right decisions for you both! Have fun with your little joy!