We have hit 30wks and Chris is turning 30 soon...help!
So happy we have reached a new decade in weeks!!! We have to see the doc on Thurs and we'll find out whether or not they are actually moving our due date u*****t(if they are, we are closer to 32wks!!). But...Chris's birthday is on March 11th and he is turning 30. I have NO IDEA what to do. Its such a big birthday though. Any thoughts?
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
awww...cute! Yep...thats what I thought too. My baby is my Christmas and my birthday present from God. Can't top that, seriously.
I just wish I could do something for him. HE is not a big partying type(thats more me than him) so I just don't know how to celebrate this. He wants an Xbox...but all the money is flowing into getting things ready for Isabella. What to do?
I just wish I could do something for him. HE is not a big partying type(thats more me than him) so I just don't know how to celebrate this. He wants an Xbox...but all the money is flowing into getting things ready for Isabella. What to do?
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Humm do you have somewhere that will let you put it on layaway so you can put a little money down on it at a time? That way the financial burden isn't there. I did this with my hubby's (he's a Chris too lol) Christmas present. That or maybe you can find one used at GameStop or EB Games, one of those - ebay and craigslist are great resources too.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Because the baby is measuring ahead and has been the entire time, they mentioned moving up the due date.
Also have to find out if we are doing a c-section or not...baby is projected to be very big(and very long). No gestational diabetes, this family just has big babies. However, I have a very small pelvis so they are going to be looking at head measurements this visit.
The reason at 30wks is because we have been going to growth ultrasounds for the past two months and she has been growing and growing and growing, and been ahead aLOT so the doctor is considering moving the date.
Also have to find out if we are doing a c-section or not...baby is projected to be very big(and very long). No gestational diabetes, this family just has big babies. However, I have a very small pelvis so they are going to be looking at head measurements this visit.
The reason at 30wks is because we have been going to growth ultrasounds for the past two months and she has been growing and growing and growing, and been ahead aLOT so the doctor is considering moving the date.
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Did they NOT do an ultrasound at like 8 weeks gestation and measure the baby and date the pregnancy THEN?? My 3rd baby ALWAYS measured large......4 weeks ahead starting at about 16 weeks but they don't change the due date for that reason if you had your pregnancy dated at around 8 weeks through ultrasound. That is the time where the pregnancy is dated the most accurately. Just because they are measuring big doesn't mean that their lungs will be mature 2 weeks ahead of time and doesn't mean that they will be ready to come out 2 weeks early. Get what I'm saying?
Actually I have had ultrasounds from 5wks on about every two weeks and yeah, they did date it, and yeah it was ahead. However I went to a brainless practice until just now. I am switching. Last doc visit at old practice they were thinking of upping the dates(which they should because I told them that they were counting my conception date wrong, putting me on a 28 day cycle and completely messing up my ovulation time but they didn't listen in the beginning). When I discussed this with the new doctor, and he looked at my records, he is thinking of upping the date and thought it should have been ahead the whole time.
Not that any of it matters as SHE will decide when she comes. And if she is anything like me and my siblings, she'll be early anyhow. However, if she rolls like her daddy, she'll be late. Who knows? I will find out on Thurs.
I'll also find out if she is still breech.
Edited to add: I get what you are saying, I have no problem with understanding english, however I do trust my medical professional with this more than a lay person. I get you have had babies before, but if my doctor wants to change the due dates based on the information he has received from the high risk doctor and my previous records, I will listen to him first. Tks for your input. And if he doesn't, its really not a big deal. Again...like I said, she'll come when she comes.
Not that any of it matters as SHE will decide when she comes. And if she is anything like me and my siblings, she'll be early anyhow. However, if she rolls like her daddy, she'll be late. Who knows? I will find out on Thurs.
I'll also find out if she is still breech.
Edited to add: I get what you are saying, I have no problem with understanding english, however I do trust my medical professional with this more than a lay person. I get you have had babies before, but if my doctor wants to change the due dates based on the information he has received from the high risk doctor and my previous records, I will listen to him first. Tks for your input. And if he doesn't, its really not a big deal. Again...like I said, she'll come when she comes.
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
I was saying "get what I'm saying" as just that....like, did you get my point.......not that you didn't understand English. I was just asking if you had the pregnancy dated early on because those are the most accurate. And like you said.....she'll come when she comes. Ovulation and conception dates are all well and good and I know the EXACT day that I conceived (because there was only ONE time) and my date is STILL off 3 days. It's because it is implantation that is unpredictable. That's why they DO an early ultrasound and do measurements......because you never know when that fertilized egg gets implanted. And when they DO those early measurements, they pull your EDD right off of that.......they don't even use your LMP, conception date, ovulation day....whatever. They simply use the measurements. That's why I asked you about those early ultrasounds because THAT is where they are getting your EDD.......not from anything you've told them about LMP, the day you O'd or think you conceived. And I asked because if you didn't get an ultrasound until much later in the pregnancy then the EDD would tend to be off as the baby goes through growth spurts and CAN measure a month ahead at any given time. But in your case, that is not the case, which is why I asked in the first place. It wasn't to prove you wrong....or prove your Dr wrong....or think I know more than your Dr.....it was simply a question. I just wouldn't want to get my date moved up by 2 weeks, then for some reason I go into labor at 36 weeks and my baby is REALLY only 34 weeks gestation and then it have all kinds of issues at birth (which it may or may not have) because they went ahead and took the baby anyway thinking that you were close enough to term. My first child was born at 36 weeks and he had a few problems himself and what I wouldn't give to have had him in me just a few more weeks. THAT was the point I was trying to get across.......concern for the fact that if they move your date up 2 weeks and then you for some reason get induced at 38 weeks and your baby is really only 36 weeks (now the chances of them having issues at 36 weeks are pretty slim but still, they do happen.....shoot, they still happen at 40 weeks!). I think you were misinterpreting what I was saying in my reply to you.......I was saying those things out of concern for not only you, but the baby if for some reason you go into labor prematurely or they decide to induce you 2 weeks early.
Sorry if I wasn't clear with that, but it was just out of concern that I posted to you about it (and being irked at your Dr...lol). You can't understand someone's meaning over the computer. I type a lot more bluntly than I talk I guess. But it was nothin' but love.......
Sorry if I wasn't clear with that, but it was just out of concern that I posted to you about it (and being irked at your Dr...lol). You can't understand someone's meaning over the computer. I type a lot more bluntly than I talk I guess. But it was nothin' but love.......