Ultrasound Update
Well according to the ultrasound I am measuring 5w1d. They were not able to see a heartbeat. She did see a yolk sac and a fetal pole. I am so confused. How could I be 5w1d? I got a BFP two weeks ago today. Things don't make sense. My doctor is supposed to call back later today to let me know when he wants to do another ultrasound. Can you guys help me to make sense out of this? It just doesn't seem like good news to me. Thanks for listening.
My doctor started me on progestrone yesturday. They did not do a beta draw (they haven't done one at all). I asked and they don't normally do bloodwork like that. I believe that they are going to have me come back for another ultrasound next week, I am waiting for a call from my doctor this afternoon.
VERY possible that you O'd later then you think and while you know the date of your LMP the baby is "younger" then what you think. That's why my OB won't even do a US until 8 weeks - just in case. Did they schedule a repeat ultrasound? Seeing a fetal pole and a yolk sack are good signs!
Hang in there hun
Hang in there hun
You could have ovulated and implanted late. There wouldn't be a heartbeat this early. That will come at about 6-7 weeks. Did you use the early response tests? That could be why you got a positive so early out. Those tests are more sensitive. Don't worry. Hopefully they've got you scheduled for a follow up ultrasound in the next few weeks and you'll be able to see the heartbeat and the baby then. The fact that there's a yolk sac and fetal pole at this stage is a good sign. Don't be discouraged! I'm praying that everything with the baby is growing well and like it's suppose to. You're probably just not as far along as you thought you might be. Heck, I KNEW the day that I conceived cuz there was only ONE day that we had done anything for months and even MY due date was off by three days. I just implanted late. That fertilized egg took it's sweet time getting to my uterus to implant....LOL But it happens and it's nature and it's SO unpredictable. My mantra is 'don't worry until there's something to worry ABOUT'. I KNOW that's easier said than done with pregnancy, but from everything you've said, it sounds like things are where they are supposed to be for a 5w 1d pregnancy! Keep us updated on that follow up ultrasound! I'm sure those results will be GREAT!! And I'm praying that they are!
I got my BFP so early that in my first ultrasound you couldn't see anything, not even a sac, then at 5 weeks they saw the pole and at 6 1/2 weeks, the heartbeat. I had ovulated late that month so all of my dates were off, but I knew exactly what day I conceived and my ultrasounds always matched my dates and not my LMP dates. So hopefully another ultrasound next week will show you the heartbeat.