Choosing names...times two, argh

Michelle E.
on 2/16/10 3:45 am - IA

I can't believe how hard of a time we are having picking out names.  When I had my son- I knew I wanted "Spencer" from early on.  With the twins, it's proving much more difficult.  I want a name that is uncommon, but "real" -if that makes sense.  All the names that I have loved forever have become very popular- especially for girls. 

We settled on a boys name- it is completely kick ass:  Cecil.  I love it- would never have thought of it,  My husband came up with it.  It's unusual, simple and strong.

But now, we cannot come up with a girl's name that we agree on.  ARGH!!!!!  I thought having one boy and one girl to name would make it so much easier.  I guess not,  Thank goodness I'm not having two girls-  I'd really be in trouble!!! 

I think I'm having a harder time with the girl name, because I there are so many things that can be read into a name.  With the boy- i wanted  strong and simple.  With a girl, I want it to be able to be cute when she's little, but fit her as she grows into a teenager and then a grown woman.  

I think my hormones are getting the best of me...

Michelle E.
on 2/16/10 4:10 am - IA
No matching, no rhyming- so Ceclia is out.  And to be even MORE difficult- I'm trying to avoid anything that starts with a "S" sound, since we'll have both Spencer and Cecil already.

I know I know- I'm being difficult!
on 2/16/10 4:13 am - keyport, NJ
serena!?! i like it   idk .. im partial to Allison ;)
on 2/16/10 5:07 am - NJ
I like Laurel. I googled "Cecil" because everytime I hear that name Laurel comes to mind.... nothing came up though.

Happy choosing!

My boys are 3 reasons why WLS was right for me! I love my post op miracles =o) 

Chavon T.
on 2/16/10 6:00 am - Irmo, SC
What about Camille?

- Chavon      
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10  138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle:  Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.

on 2/16/10 8:22 am - Bel Air, MD
I like Hannah, Bailey, Rileigh, Kayleigh and Grace. Good luck on finding the right name and I'm sure what ever it will be it will mean angel :)



Michelle E.
on 2/16/10 11:47 pm - IA
Grace is at the top of my list- so simple.  But a friend of ours runs a daycare center and she said that right now Grace, Isabella and Sophie are uber-popular and there are several of each.
on 2/16/10 9:32 am
I am right there with you on the two name thing- DH and I had a really hard time agreeing on a name for my daughter four year ago, and now that we have two boys- Well, we had a chat but can come up with nothing we both like and really want to take seriously. I haven't really thought of girl names, other than Giorgia (Italian spelling- DH and I spent years in Italy) but we won't be using it! Good luck!

on 2/16/10 10:07 am - MI I missed the update for the gender. ONE OF EACH??? Fabulous!!! Cecil was my great grandfathers name, I love it. His middle name was actually Clare, which is where Sydnie gets her middle name from. Anyway, I love the name Claire for a little girl. I wanted that to be Sydnie's first name but couldn't find a middle name that I liked for her. There was always Marie, but that's mine so that was out too. Ok...I'm going on about myself again. I like Claire. I think it works with both young and old, and it doesn't rhyme nor clash with Cecil. that pronounced "see sil" or "sess il"?

So yeah...Claire is all I have for you. We had hard time with girl names too.

  Lilypie - (imW2)Image Preview For Mom, and Kelly

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. "

Michelle E.
on 2/16/10 11:45 pm - IA
I know- I am so excited about having  a boy and a girl. I wanted a girl so badly-  I've had 18 years of football, farts and breaking crap- I need some pink! :)

We will pronounce it  "see-sil". 

My problem is too many people have beat me to that names I like-  Sidney, Emma, Annabelle. Or they have just become soo popular- Isabella, Grace, Olivia.

Plus- Ben seems to believe that when I throw out names we are playing word assocation.  Example:  I say "how about Claire" he says "Claire is a fat girl's name".. refererencing the movie Breakfast Club.

I really like Elizabeth Ann- the middle names of our grandmothers. But we cannot decide on a nickname.  I want Libby, he hates it.

Maybe I should just wait until the day I have them-  not like he'll tell me "no" minutes after I've given birth to twins... right?
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