What type of foods cause constipation for children??
My daughter is 15 months and very constipated. Just this morning she was trying to go, but crying and screaming while trying to go. I gave her some straight apple juice and a suppository and still hadn't gone before leaving for daycare. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get things flowing? She is on solid foods and eats just about anything by herself. She doesn't like to be spoon fed.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
My daughter is 15 months and very constipated. Just this morning she was trying to go, but crying and screaming while trying to go. I gave her some straight apple juice and a suppository and still hadn't gone before leaving for daycare. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get things flowing? She is on solid foods and eats just about anything by herself. She doesn't like to be spoon fed.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Hmmm, thanks for the tip. She does drink alot of milk once I thought about it. I didn't realize milk causes constipation... I knew cheese did and I just read bananas does too. She eats a few bananas a week. So, I guess I'll be changing up her eating habits a bit. Plus, she gets milk at daycare as well.
If they are off formula, how much milk should they be getting a day??? Any ideas?
If they are off formula, how much milk should they be getting a day??? Any ideas?
I think it is like 3-5 servings of this also inlcudes yogurt, cheese milk etc.And if constapation is an issue try with 3 servings. Because my son was getting milk at day care during the day I had to make sure he woiuld only ge****er or diluted juice at home to make sure all was well. Those times I gave him milk at home too he would get seriously stopped up.