Lexa - How are you holding out?
still pregnant... thanks for asking... ive had quite a few sets of contractions the last few days... dr said she wont stop labor at the point but she doesnt want to deliver either... so basically its a wait and see thing... i go friday for a cervial check and the the 10th for a growth ultrasoud and a biophysical... i will be 34 weeks then and will be relased from the high risk practice.. im going to ask her about starting steriods for her lungs "just to be safe"... after all this im sure i wont deliver until april LOL.. jayson has been pretty much on full blast these few days.. making "couch rest" pretty much impossible... ive put up barricades tho so he can only get into so much trouble... now if i can only get my dog to stop digging holes and ripping out bushes in the back yard LOL... i see your moving along nice your self... i cant wait to see the end result of your nursery... back in middle school i had a marine science class and we redid the entire room to look like a coral reef... including putting blu saran wrap on lights ( which made test taking hard ) LOL.. it was pretty cool
So glad that youa re doing well! keep on baking Momma! I agree - she's going to hold out just to prove them wrong! Stinker! lol
Oh Boy - Jayson sounds like a handful! Good idea barricading him. Rest when you can.
As for the dog... well... no suggestions there, I have cats!
Oh that sounds neat! We are moving right along thank goodness. May will be here before I know it.
Oh Boy - Jayson sounds like a handful! Good idea barricading him. Rest when you can.
As for the dog... well... no suggestions there, I have cats!
Oh that sounds neat! We are moving right along thank goodness. May will be here before I know it.