Bipolar HELP
on 2/3/10 11:29 pm - Flowery Branch, GA
I'm bipolar and not medicated.
What can I take to keep me from killing the people around me? I've never had anger issues related to my bipolar but the next person who comes in my office and dumps their work on me is going to get yelled at. I called out of work yesterday just because I didn't feel like dealing with the bull. I can normally handle it and don't get this irritated but this time I can't. When I wasn't pregnant, I'd just pop a klonopin and sit in my car until it kicked in. Klonopin is a category D drug and I can't take it.
Is there anything I can take to keep me from killing someone today?? Because going home and avoiding the world until it passes isn't an option... I have bills to pay.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

I had to quit work because it got so bad that I hated everyone around me. Therapy helps!
I do have my moments of very high ups and very low lows where I cant even get off the couch. It is hard to deal with and not very understood by a lot of people.
I really would call your OB and have a talk with them. They will find the best meds for you.
I do feel my anger build up in me and I find what helps is that I go sit in my car, turn the radio waaaaaaay up and scream. Yup I scream at the top of my lungs until I cant do it any more sometimes I cry after but in the end I do feel a little better!
Good luck and I really hope you find what helps!!!!
Little Angel 8/14/09 ectopic
Super proud mommy to Dylan, Owen and Sophia Brianne!
I understand that a lot of people don't like to medicate during pregnancy. I would definitely see someone though- a therapist is always an option, but slow if you want relief now. Something that I find helpful is what is termed mindfulness in the mental health field- there are some very simple exercises you can do to help bring yourself back to the present and work through your feelings in the moment. I have a few exercises if you would like them. They may or may not help- some people are skeptical but I find it to be incredibly helpful- it's best used at a point when things are starting to escalate but are not out of control. The easiest thing to do is to sit calmly with your eyes closed, hands resting on your belly (This is great when you are pregnant) and just focus on your breath going in and out. I like doing this pregnant too because I also spend a little time imagining how my breathing in and out is sustaining the life of my unborn baby, and imagine how they are growing strong and healthy through my breathing. Do this for a minute or so- but if your mind starts to wander you have to practice bringing it back to your breathing or your baby- nowhere else. Your mind will start to wander, but practice bringing it back. This is great for managing anxiety too, when you feel anxious. Good luck. Let me know if you want some more!