feelin' extra moody today......
this is very negative vibes and just a loooong rant about nothing so be prepared....
so today seems like a *****y kinda day..... Ugh people are just really getting under my skin... i have a lady at work whose family member had RNY, so she thinks she knows everything (although the way she talks her family memeber is a little on the psycho side and is already planning to want the rose procedure after her child is born even before she knows how much weight she is gonna gain and she was a size 6 before she was pregnant) So this lady EVERYDAY and EVERYTIME i put something near my mouth she aasks me what im eating... I work in a store of over 200 people and the "how much weight hae you lost?" and the "how much more do you really want to loose?" is getting really annoying!! I havent lost any weight in over 3 months people! I just bought a pair of jeans or 2 that fit!!! Now bring on the pregnancy questions on a daily basis.... how are you feeling? Should you be lifting that? are you allowed to eat that? you gotta stop loosing weight because you dont even look pregnant..... I cant take it... every day at least 10-15 times a day i answer the same crap over and over... and YES i am absolutly moody and MOST of these people mean well its just annoying... my surgery was in april... how long does it need to be a topic of daily conversation? Sigh, i guess thats why some people keep it a secret....