He's here!
Nolan was born yesterday morning at 3:51 a.m. I just posted last Friday announcing it was my due date (and no baby). Saturday morning when my husband came home from work I "coerced" him in an attempt to induce labor LOL and 2 hours later I woke up with TERRIBLE cramps and back pain. I was not convinced I was in labor so I took a bath and it did not get any better so I told my husband I wanted to go on a walk to see if the contractions got worse and closer together. By the time I got dressed and ready for the walk I was in nearly unbearable pain and was having bloody show. We went to the hospital and I was 4cm. Because I still could not believe that I went into labor on my own I asked "So does this mean I am having a baby today?" When the nurse replied "yes" I was SO RELIEVED! By the time I went from triage to L&D I was 6cm so I got an epidural (it was wonderful!). I did stall at 6cm for a while and my contractions weren't as organized as they would have liked, so I did have an augmented labor with Pitocin. The labor was great and really quite enjoyable (after the epidural of course). I woke up in labor about 11:45am on Saturday and Nolan was born the next morning after about an hour and ten minutes of pushing! He was 7lbs 14oz. and 21.5 inches long. He is absolutely precious and I am so in love!
Congrats...welcome Nolan!
Baby girl Morgan born 5/28/10, 2 weeks before my 1 year surgiversary. Angel concieved 09/10, lost 10/13/10, was due in June 2011. Baby #2 (our rainbow) on their way, due 7/27/11- Miley Victoria or Maddox Michael
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