Stopping Progesterone
I have transitioned to my OB. I had my OB nurse visit this week. I see my OB for the first time (during this pregnancy) on 2/9/10.
My RE saw me last week for my second ultrasound and then released me. He has me on prometrium vaginal suppositories once a day. He said to stop taking them on February 1 when I am 10 weeks and 1 day. I am so scared to stop taking them. I know it sounds stupid. The RE said the placenta is developed and could support the baby at 8 weeks but that they overlap it two extra weeks. He said that even women that don't have ovaries they would take them off of it at 10 weeks.
I guess I feel like the progesterone is my safety net. I know it sounds stupid but it is the one thing I can control. I think I might take it until I see my doctor on 2/9 since I haven't been able to talk to my OB.
My hubby was at the RE when we had this entire conversation. So, hubby is like 2/1 you are going to stop it. I even asked the RE, do I need to have my progesterone monitored after I go off of it and he just laughed. He said "Traci, it will be fine. I take patients off of it all the time".
Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014

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