28/ 29 week Update
I haven't posted an update in a while. I am 28 weeks along. I will be 29 weeks on Saturday. I went to the doctors last week and was told my cervix is mostly closed, what ever that means. I think it is like the glass is half full way of looking at it. I see my OB every two weeks and receive and ultrasound every 4 weeks. When I went at the beginning of January the baby was weighing in 2.4 pounds, right on target. I have been nesting like crazy, and we still do not have a name. My glucose test came back normal, which has never happened before :) My iron was low so now my vitamins are 800 mcg folic, 2000 mcg b12, a multivitamin, 325mg of iron and 500 mg of C. I have gain 30 pounds, YIKES! My doctors do not seem to be concerned because my gain has slowed down considerably. Oh and most importantly my c-section is scheduled for April 2nd at 9:30! Only 10 weeks left and I will get to hold my brand new baby boy or girl! My kids can hardly stand the wait.
I am due April 10th. My c-section will be at 38 weeks 6 days. This is my fifth pregnancy 4th going to term. They scheduled me that way because I always get very sick at the end of my pregnancies with high blood pressure. Also I tend to go fast and the hospital is 45 minutes away, so they want to make sure I have the baby at the hospital. My first two were vaginal deliveries and my last was a c-section, my doctors will not do vbacs.
My hospital is also 45 minutes away. I had high blood pressure towards the end of my pregnancy with my daughter and they had to induce labor right at 37 weeks, ended up having a C section cause I couldn't push her out. I am too afraid to try a VBAC. I don't want to experience what I did last time. I am all for scheduling my C section