Sono Update on my twins
Chrissy- I'm having twin boys too! funny that this morning I had a thought that maybe I would find out differently at my next sonogram! LOL! Of course my Dr. was the one who told me both boys- She was right about DD too, well before we had the big ultrasound. I have that scheduled in two weeks, so we'll see. I would love another little girl too- especially since I already have girl stuff, but I have watched and re-watched the DVd recording and they are both little boys! It's not the cord or anything- She got it at a good angle so their little "things" were pointing down, and the cords were up and away, and we saw distinct legs. So, I'm pretty sure they are both boys. But, we'll keep an open mind! Now you have to come up with another boy name! And you've bonded with a girl in there too, and now that bond is changed. I struggle with not being able to bond with each baby individually because they are both boys, and I don't know which one will be named what because there are two of them- so I think that is a unique challenge. Good luck though.
Oh and just remember, your daughter will have even more fun dressing up her brothers in play clothes too! My daughter (4) and son (22months) were playing too quietly in her bedroom, and I just had to see what was going on. My little boy was dressed up as the little mermaid! with dress up high heels and an Easter bonnet!