Hi eeryone,
My baby girl Lily is just about 4 months now...Unfortunately she has a terrible cold and my ped says she has RSV...She told me not to worry too much, that she sounds worse than what she is. I have to just keep an ear out if she starts wheezing at all. I'm doing the humidifier and suctioning of her nose and the doc also told me to get saline drops. I'm just so worried about her. I looked up RSV online and it seems to be a pretty serious virus. She started daycare this week...UGH!!!I hate daycare!!!I wish I didn't have to send her, but that's whats in the cards right now. I'm keeping her home for a few days, but can anyone give me some advice...just so nervous!!! THANK
My baby girl Lily is just about 4 months now...Unfortunately she has a terrible cold and my ped says she has RSV...She told me not to worry too much, that she sounds worse than what she is. I have to just keep an ear out if she starts wheezing at all. I'm doing the humidifier and suctioning of her nose and the doc also told me to get saline drops. I'm just so worried about her. I looked up RSV online and it seems to be a pretty serious virus. She started daycare this week...UGH!!!I hate daycare!!!I wish I didn't have to send her, but that's whats in the cards right now. I'm keeping her home for a few days, but can anyone give me some advice...just so nervous!!! THANK
I hope your little girl gets better fast! RSV can be pretty serious, so definitely keep a close eye on her. Don't want to scare you, but my nephew used to spend a few days in the hospital every winter with RSV. It sucks. Try taking baby vicks and putting it on the bottom of her feet and then put some socks on her. It is amazing at how well that works.
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

Hi Shannon,
Hard to believe Lily is 4 months. Emad was diagnosed with RSV at a week old and all the remedies you mentioned are what he was prescribed. If the cases are serious they will admit babies and there is also a vaccination series, but that is usually for preemies or severe situations as it can also be pricey. I made sure to suction, use the drops, check temps, listen for wheezing, and keeping them sleeping in an incline as Amy mentioned also helps. It is good that you can keep her home a few days as daycares do tend to harbor these things...nature of the business. I did have the ER doctor actually tell me kids exposed to daycares, even though they get sick more often, actually can tend to build a better immune system. Don't know if I believe it but it is cause to think. Hope she is better soon.
Hard to believe Lily is 4 months. Emad was diagnosed with RSV at a week old and all the remedies you mentioned are what he was prescribed. If the cases are serious they will admit babies and there is also a vaccination series, but that is usually for preemies or severe situations as it can also be pricey. I made sure to suction, use the drops, check temps, listen for wheezing, and keeping them sleeping in an incline as Amy mentioned also helps. It is good that you can keep her home a few days as daycares do tend to harbor these things...nature of the business. I did have the ER doctor actually tell me kids exposed to daycares, even though they get sick more often, actually can tend to build a better immune system. Don't know if I believe it but it is cause to think. Hope she is better soon.
The others had the good suggestions. For Micah it really helped to elevate his head while sleeping. Micah is in a bassinet so I just added a folded up pillow under the a crib you can put books under the mattress. For 2 nights when he was really bad I slept in a reclined position with him on my chest. It is scary...just keep a good eye on her. I will keep her in my prayers. Shari