stress out
ok guys too things i got a real bad scare on sat nite ....had the feeling for a bm and went to do my business, a little constipation was keeping me at the throne for a am sitting there trying not to strain too much and then all of the sudden i feel this horrible wave of nausea so strong made me shake all over, followed by horrible cramps and the feeling of passing out !!! could not really tell you wether the cramp was in my stomack due to the bm or my uterus!!! took me a minute to get myself together and get off the throne to try and sit down on the couch ...i was trembling all over , started sweating cold and felt like someone had just pulled the plug on me no energy nothing , took all i had to walk about 5 feet to the couch and sit there for a min. after about 10-15 mins i felt better and as soon as i got up felt the urge to go again so there i went and luckyly went!!! and felt fine after that later that nite when i went to pee i notice on my pantyliner some discharge you know the eggwhite clear no other ...but had like some brownish redish spots in it!!! am freaking out!!! my appointment is tomorrow and everytniing has been fine since ...i havent felt baby move yet so ....and as is tomorrow as weird and scary is the same day that my baby would have been born and exactly same time i was told he had passed ...please pray for me and help me keep my sanity!!! i think am gonna need some kind of pill any advice i hope its just me !! thanks sorry sooo long had to vent
When I am really constipated and have to go, I do sometimes get nauseated and feel weird until I actually get the final urge to go. You might talk to your doctor about your constipation if it is becoming a regular issue.
As for everything, I hope it went well at the doctor. I don't know if you have already gone. I just wanted to let you know to hang in there.