Does the worry ever go away?
Ok, I know stress and worry is not good for anyone TTC or pregnant. I am just curious if the worry about loosing the baby ever goes away.
I am 6 weeks and 3 days. Still early on! This is third pregnancy in the past year. You all know I have lost two (one miscarriage, other ectopic). Now that I am pregnant I am just TERRIFIED of reliving either one of those things again. I know there are many that have had to go through multiple losses.
I go for my ultrasound with my RE on Friday to check for a heartbeat. I just keep thinking there is going to be no heartbeat, et****ep having little pains and think this is it, I am loosing it. I think part of it is I am trying to prepare myself for the worst. I just don't want to drive myself insane worrying. Maybe that is natural and we all worry even up to delivery. Then, once they are born we will worry about the child being safe, cared for, and etc.
Just remember that you will feel like preiod cramps, subtle ones, in the first trimester becuase they body is changing....I feel all kinds of pulls and pushes still at almost 18 weeks!
Make a pregnancy ticker
I really hope that for you..the answer is yes. It is so hard to go through this worrying all the time. I can say I have calmed down a lot since the 1st tri...but I still worry. I think I'll worry til she turns 18.
I am praying for that your LO's HB. I really have good vibes about your baby. You will be in my thoughts on Friday.
With Love,
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!