Will I ever stop loving weight while pregnant?
On Dec 30th I reach a BIG milestone of getting to 199.4. I went up a little on the scale for a few days and then had a couple days of bad morning sickness and now today I am 198.
Will I keep losing weight and if so for how much longer?! I will stop losing and start gaining at some point . . .right?!
When I got my BFP I was 214ish, and like I said I am now down to 198ish. I eat as much as I can but I wonder if it really is enough.
Should I be worried?!
(BTW baby is fine and HB is strong.)
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Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!

According to my OB though I do not need to worry as long as baby is growing on schedule (which she is) and I am taking my vitamins and loading up on carbs. Also, I was told by my surgeon its a possibility I will never produce a positive gain and wont shift to gaining from losing until I get into my third trimester because I was so newly post-op.Good luck and try not to stress it too much.
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23
It's hard not to worry sometimes. I've at least gotten past my m/c point with a strong fetal HB so that has lessened some stress.
I mean this isn't my first pregnancy/baby, LOL, but it is my first after having WLS so it's all kind of new to me again in that aspect.
When I talked to my bariatric doctors about the pregnancy they just said to refer to my OB and I pointed out strongly how I would not be seeing one until probably mid-January or early February and that was back in November. They didn't seem to mind and only said they needed to be called if I had hypermesis (extreme vomiting). So I feel like I've been flying solo in this first tri-mester.
I'm still waiting for state insurance to go through so I can make my first appointment soon. I want to get some blood draws and get things checked out.
Part of me feels like I should just eat whatever I can get in, as long as it means it helps me gain some weight, but then I don't want to just be eating junk all the time. So I just haven't been able to find a balance. They told me to eat around 2000 calories but I have a very very difficult time doing that in one day unless it does all come from junk food.
I wouldn't be worried because the baby is getting what it needs (I know easier said then done!) and as long as the baby was growing away there was no need to be concerned. Now well I can't get enough food! lol
Hope that you start gaining soon (who thought we would wish for that!)
GOod luck
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
By the way the title of this post says loving instead of losing.
Can I say ? OMG, it is how I feel - is that bad? I guess when weight has been an issue all of your life, you kind of feel like wouldn't it be great if I could eat enough really good healthy whole foods during my pregnancy and exercise and keep the weight gain to a bare minimum. Is that twisted?
Anyways, I remember you doing really well with your prior pregnancy. How are you keeping the gain so low?
I have no idea how I've not gained more. I'm eating like I always do. I think my metabolism must increase drastically while pregnant. I did lose about 10 pounds to start with and I've gained that back plus 5 more. So technically I'm up about 15 pounds (but only weigh 5 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight).
I've kept my band filled both pregnancies. I can't imagine what I would've gained if I didn't have some restriction.