Please say a prayer.
Well tomorrow i have an appt at 11 am. I have been having problems with itching since last sunday. Ive been on meds to help but its not really working. I am also having problems keeping food down. baby looks ok but I am really not in the best shape.
I was restested on tues. the 23rd for Cholestasis. It has to do with your gallbladder spilling bile into your system which cause problems for your kidneys. None the less I have been having some major problems with dizziness and some double vision. Yesterday I was sick for about 4 hours. I have not gone back to the hospital because im afraid they are just going to send me home again. I am really not doing well emotionally either. Im a mess because of all the problems i have been having.
MY albumin and my ceratinine came back both low so that means the cholestasis is effecting my liver or also i could be dealing with malnutrition as well..
PLease say a prayer for Marshall and I that tomorrow they will let me have my csection and be willing let me have this baby tomorrow. I think i am at the end of my rope here and cant take much more!
I am oh so sorry that you are so miserable. I remember alll of my pregnancies just like they were yesterday and toward the end feeling...the "this is it, I cannot take one more minute of this" feeling. You are 37 weeks, and by all rights are considered full term. Do not be discouraged if they want to do an amnio tomorrow to make sure Marshall's lungs are developed and ready to go. I pray that they wont need to do this and will just send you to the hospital to be delivered as soon as the doc is done seeing patients for the day.
I know it feels like you cannot take it anymore, but you are strong, and you will do great. Keep your eye on the prize, and try, try, try to remember why you are putting yourself through this :)
We love you and are oh so sympathetic, Keep us posted. Tonight when I spend my quiet time with God, I will bring my requests for you before him and pray that he will make you strong no matter what the outcome,.