We made it to 35 weeks!!!!
It is now safe for me to deliver at the local hospital instead of being life-flighted to Pittsburgh if Gabriel decides to make his entrance. My pre-term labor started at 22 weeks so we are very grateful to have made it this far. Next Monday, I get my last progesterone injection and take my last procardia. Then all bets are off and the doctor will not stop labor any longer. The only thing that worries me is that he is on vacation next week. I told him I'll try to hold off until Jan. 4 when he gets back.
I get another ultrasound next week and he has me doing NSTs twice a week starting next week. I have had some weird vision things going on and my sugars have been dropping much more frequently. He looked pretty concerned when I told him these things Monday. I just have to keep monitoring things closely.
It won't be long and Gabriel will be here. I'm thinking the first week of January.