Help me, I'm scared out of my mind
I went yesterday for a ultrasound...according to my last missed period, i was 8 weeks as of Sunday. When they did the ultrasound...all they saw was the baby. Has anyone experienced this? She also said my uterus is tilted...anyone have that problem? I'm am so upset about this...i just want some reassurance or honesty....please help!!!!!
Oh honey, I know exactly how you feel, I was in the exact same position as you and I wish I could say that it all turned out okay but it didn't for me. I had what's called a blightened ovum, where basicly the sperm and egg meet and the egg implants, but then for unknown reasons the fetus never develops but everything else does, I was technicly pregnant, but the baby would never form. I had to have a D&C and then 3 months later I got pregnant with my son who is now 4. So if your situation is the same as mine it dosn't mean that you can't try agian real soon. And maybe this isn't what's going on with you at all. Just know your in my thoughts and if you need to talk to anyone you can IM me anytime.