I got my Christmas Wish!
However I wasn't sure I'd be able to find it since I could be 9wks 4 days - 10wks along. I don't know when I conceived at all and I suspect I am not as far along as I think I am and my EDD is actually July 23 and not July 21.
Either way, I had dh pull out the doppler after midnight just to "see" if we could find it and I fully expected we wouldn't and I would just try again around Christmas Day instead.
Well, after a little search we heard it clear as day. Nice, FAST, and strong. I am much more relieved now, but I still don't feel "safe". Maybe once I finally feel baby start moving, LOL
I swear pregnancy is so much more stressful after a miscarriage!
Visit us at Motherhood after WLS !
Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!
In a world full of cheerios be a fruit loop!
Goal met 11/23
Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014
But since my last baby ended in a miscarriage and in previous (more heavy/fat) pregnancies the earliest we've been able to find the baby's HB is around 11 weeks, I figured with a 125lbs weight loss I "might" be able to find it at 10 weeks. Thankfully I was right and we did find it.
I do feel less scared now about a m/c but I don't feel out of the woods yet either. :(
http://www.midwiferytoday.com/enews/enews0802.asp Scroll down to Prenatal Ultrasound
http://www.icpa4kids.org/research/articles/pregnancy/Ultraso und.htm Also scroll down to Ultrasound
http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm095508.ht m From the FDA
Ultrasound machines and dopplers use the same technology so while the doppler doesn't use imagery it still usues u/s waves.
Doppler Ultrasound Heartbeat Monitors:
Similar concerns surround the OTC sale of Doppler ultrasound heartbeat monitors. These devices, which people use to listen to the heartbeat of a fetus, are currently marketed legally as "prescription devices" that should only be used by or under the supervision of a health care professional.
"When the product is purchased over the counter and used without prior consultation with a health care professional, there is no oversight of how the device is used and little or no medical benefit derived from the exposure," Phillips says. "The number of sessions or the length of a session to which a fetus is exposed is uncontrolled, thus raising the potential for harm to the fetus."
Many studies show an increase in miscarriages through early u/s and doppler use and over exposure, even late term miscarriages. I never advocate the use of home doppler use by those who feel the need to listen daily. I cringe when I read about it. But to each their own and you asked for the info.