I have just gotten to the point where I am ready and I don't know what's going on with my body. For the last 3 days I have been contracting and nothing. The baby is still here. I know she must not be ready yet but I can't sleep, I have diarrhea, and am soooo nauseas it's insane. I had a HUGE meltdown lastnight and cried forever. I went to L&D on Sat night contractions like 3-5 mins apart and 3 cm, I thought okay in the next 24-48 hours she will be here. Well NO!! I go to the OB at 8am this morning and I hope there's some good news like I am 5 cm and ready to roll!! If it's not Isabella's time that's fine but tell my body to calm down til then. Well there's my vent for the day sorry to complain!!
I understand. The last few weeks are pretty much torture on your body and it's tough. Hang in there.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!