Blood Work Back
YAY! How exciting. I hope they keep doubling! Gosh I saw my HCG numbers last Friday that I had done last Tuesday and it said 5269 and I was like, geesh am I having quads or what? But then I looked at the normal values and that number fell right where it was supposed to for how pregnant I was. It's just been SO long since I had a blood HCG ran and forgot what the numbers were supposed to be. And then I did them REAL early out in pregnancy so the numbers were like 172 and 2 days later 400 something. What a blast from the past. I never could wait to get those blood tests when hubby and I were TTC our 2nd child back in 2000-2002. Didn't have to have hcg drawn with #3 and 4. Only progesterone levels. They did the urine hcg's those two times. When I asked about the blood draws with #3, I was suprised I didn't do a gazillion of them like I did when we were trying for #2. It felt like they weren't doing what they needed to do. I was like, I want to make sure this baby is staying around folks. Don't mess with about not needing these blood draws! LOL
Well, Congratulations again!! I sure hope this is a healthy, happy pregnancy!!
Well, Congratulations again!! I sure hope this is a healthy, happy pregnancy!!