I am pregnant
Well I was suppose to get my period on Monday. I had spotting and then nothing else. We found out mid November that DH has very low sperm count 3.6 mil. We started him on Fertility blend for men just to try and see if it would help cause we have been trying for 5 months. So when I didn't keep bleeding I didn't think anything of it, but come Thursday still no bleeding, so I figured oh what the hell I'll just do a digital test for fun, but with DH problem doubtful. OMG!!!!!!!! It came back PREGNANT within not even 30 sec. Is this possible? Is it a false Positive? My last LMP was 11/10/2009 which would make me 4 weeks or so along. THis is too good to be true. Is it true? I don't want to tell anyone except for DH in case of miscariage. How long did you wait to tell? I'm nervous and kind of in denial due to I have no symptoms. Help!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! False negatives are more likely than false positives. You are pregnant! Everyone is different in who they tell and when. After years of TTC, I announced our first PG at only 9 wks along. With the others, I waited until I was about 12 weeks, especially when telling anyone outside of my family and close friends.
Welcome and congratulations!
Welcome and congratulations!
DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old