Random Thoughts...

on 12/3/09 11:16 am - Bonney Lake, WA
You know...some people are really good at being pregnant and love it, and some people are NOT good at being pregnant and hate every minute of it.  Something everyone needs to realize is that being pregnant ain't no walk in the park...you are going to pee every 5 seconds...get round ligament pain, have back pain, all day sickness, heartburn, swollen ankles, sore boobs and nipples, and the list goes on and on and on....its just part of what ya sign up for when ya do the deed...lol  I NEVER enjoyed my pregnancies...not sure why I kept doing it...I guess the massacist *sp* in me...LOL  No, seriously, I of course adored the end result and while in labor proclaiming I would NEVER do this again...within a few months I was wondering when I would have my next baby.  

I am glad you have a place where you can come and speak your mind, and I definitely see your point..no flaming here.  However, I think the whiners are just as entitled to post, so I guess if you are sick of it you are going to have to block people until you think you can handle seeing it better.

I remember when someone got upset that had recently had a miscarriage and coincidentally all of a sudden all the ladies started posting pictures of their baby bumps...oh how this made her heart ache...but there is really nothing anyone could do about it...it is all of our rights to post whatever we want...that is what is so great about this board!  However, I felt her pain and could certainly sympathize...just like I sympathize with you.  

Bottom line...if your pregnant...more than likely...you are going to be miserable from time to time...just the way it is.  

I pray for all the women TTC and hope they get their BFPs soon!!!  I so wish I could be in on the TTC list..I even asked hubby about a tubal reversal today, and went and did some research...looks like IVF is the way to go and forget the reversal...I'm getting old though...so I doubt I will ever really do it.  I will be 39 this year...sooooooooooooo its probably time for me to buck up and start rubbing some dirt in it and get over the fact that I am not having any more babies.  

on 12/3/09 11:52 am - Manahawkin, NJ
 very well said.  There is also a difference in asking questions about how you are feeling, and down right complaining.  I often ask questions, because I do NOT know if these things are normal.  I am a new mom and I'm 22.  I am so grateful for this site and would much rather ask about an ache or pain on here than google it and drive myself up a wall!

I feel bad posting positive things when there are so many ladies trying so hard to be in my position, but at the same time, it is for pregnancy, and when their time comes I will be sooo happy to answer all their questions like you all have done for me!
MY WLS RECIPE BLOG!  -- Check it out http://plusizedbarbie.blogspot.com/

Lilypie - (vbmr)    Lilypie - (fb9N)
Changed for good
                            ...september 17, 2007...
Liz R.
on 12/4/09 2:25 am - Easton, PA
I second that. I do ask a lot of questions and I know some of them are silly. I would take any symptom that pregnancy can throw at me, I am grateful that I am pregnant but I am still nervous, scared and unsure a lot of the time. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyones support and help through everything.

My theory always has been to ask any question because chances are there is someone else out there that can benefit from the answer too and might have been to scared or shy to ask.
on 12/3/09 11:22 am - weston, FL
ive never been one to post on this type of thread... because 1. i know nothing about ttc and 2. i know nothing about infertility  and all the stress that comes with it... 3. ive never had a loss

however....i try not to complain because really no one needs to know nor do they care that my crotch and boobs hurt, or that i puke more then i dont and im 24 weeks thought it would be over by now

im very blessed and i know im blessed to never had troubles making babies... i am so thankful for my children.. even when jayson hides my cell phone in his toy box and poops in the bath tub

this is just my opinion... but no matter how you got preggo.. easy or not should be able to complain about whatever they want .. after all this is a PREGNANCY forum
on 12/3/09 11:50 am
Well-written and some very good points. My name is Jo and I suffer from keep-the-peaceism so I avoid these threads like the plague. However, I have to say that this forum helped me tremendously through hyperemesis, hospitalizations and months of bedrest. I tried to keep the grumbling to a minimum but sometimes I just had to let the ***** in me air out a bit. I suffered MMC and infertility issues. I never take my gift of 3 healthy children for granted. I like the diversity here, so many different ladies at all stages of the motherhood journey.

That being said, I loved the daily rants/raves thread that JoJo used to post. It was a common place to vent, good and bad. On the days I wanted to get my snark on, I was all over it. But on the days I felt more civilized, I could just skip over that thread and focus on the bright and shiney. Maybe we could get back to that again?

And did I already say my name is Jo and I suffer from keep-the-peaceism?!


DS:9 yrs old / DD:5 yrs old / DS: 1 yr old

"Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward." -Soren Kierkegaard-
blanca G.
on 12/3/09 12:04 pm - Grand Terrace, CA
RNY on 02/12/09 with
I'm new to this board and definitely NOT trying to make enemies but just wanted to say that this thread is pure evil!
I really hope that it did just stem from hormones because we ALL are/or have dealt with that and can be forgiving of that! BUT just like you guys pointed out...when a person starts their sentence with "I'm not complaining but...." it usually means their complaining! WELL the same can be said for saying "I'm not trying to be a ***** but...." well yea usually that person IS trying to or fully aware of the fact that they are being a *****!

People should be able to come here and say whatever they want no matter what they are going through or have or HAVE NOT been through. Of course we all feel for those who have suffered loss and have TTC for a long time, but why in the hell should anyone be made to feel guilty for being lucky enough to be able to conceive and carry to term w/out any real issue?!?! i mean seriously, a lot of us are first time moms and we know NOTHING about what we are feeling and going through, we come here because we know that there are others who have. Its not always complaining, its sharing info...its a forum for Gods sake, say what you want and bounce ideas and stories off of each other.
Here like any other forum, you do have the right to NOT open threads that are going to aggravate you or anger u for no apparent reason.

SW-236/GW 125- pre pregnancy weight-133 / current weight- 123!!
Defeated PCOS with the help of my RNY & despite being told I couldnt have kids, i am a proud mommy to Bella Rosa =)
Lilypie - Personal picture

Bailey's Mommy!
on 12/3/09 1:22 pm - Sacramento, CA
Wow I think "pure evil" is a bit extreme.....

I have been on this board going on 4 years. I am not as active as I used to be because I now have  2 kids that keep me busy and 1 on the way - but I have seen this subject brought up over and over again.  I don't think Sara was being a ***** at all. It stings to come here and see people complaining over and over. There is a difference between asking questions - "has this happened to you?" "is this something I need to be concerned about?"  and "OMG this sucks!". Really? I know women that would give their husbands left nut to experience what sucks - there was a time when I would have.

The women that are on this board and are TTC are fully aware that this is a place where pregnancy will be discussed and can make their own decision on what threads they read. However  I think it is a good reminder to people (including myself) to count our blessings and know how fortunate we are to be pregnant. It makes you think twice before taking it for granted. I thank god I have morning sickness.

I have been though infertility treatments, I have suffered a miscarriage, I have been scared to death on bedrest in preterm labor. All the women here including those TTC were supportive and helped me through it all. I just hope that others can return the support and consider those that have not experienced the joy of pregnancy before complaining about it.

Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09
, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

on 12/3/09 1:32 pm - Montreal, Canada
VSG on 01/30/09 with
Thank you - you expressed it far more eloquently and accurately than I did.  :)

T :)

I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10!  Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.)  5'2"
on 12/4/09 2:04 am
I'm with Jo on suffering from keep-the-peacism...and I usually ignore any of these posts because I don't come here to argue with people...but to come here when you yourself say you're new and don't really know anyone and say that someone's post is 'pure evil' because you disagree with what they say is a little harsh isn't it?  It may not be what you want to hear...and you are within your rights to disagree with it...but that doesn't make it 'pure evil' any more than it's 'pure evil' to disagree with your opinion.

I do understand when someone is just having a ****ty day, their feet are swollen, they've been puking evertime they eat, their back hurts, etc etc etc...and yes...they should be able to come here on those occasions...but I think Sara is saying if they're having 'those occasions' every day and that's all they're posting...not questions about their pregnancy and 'is this normal,' or support for other people who are having their own ****ty days, but just complaints about it...they need to step back and look at what they're saying and how they're saying it.

 January 2008, 
               July 2008
               December 2008  
               July 2009
               September 2010
               July 2011

Mom to Khaled

blanca G.
on 12/3/09 1:46 pm - Grand Terrace, CA
RNY on 02/12/09 with
you're totally right pure evil was a bit much! sorry, but this thread just pissed me off and made me pretty sad too!
And honestly it doesnt even directly effect me because i have never come on this board and "complained" about anything, and believe me i NEVER will now that i know this is what it will be met with!
I hear what you're saying BUT you guys act like these woman are going on a "difficultly conceiving" board or "support for miscarriages" board and FLAUNTING that they got preggo the first try or are "complaining" about their sore breasts on that type of board. Thats not the case at all!

This board is plain and simply titled "pregnancy after WLS" we all share something, we've all struggled with our weight and now sadly it seems that some feel that if you havent struggled with TTC you shouldnt complain about anything on this particular board.

Some, like myself, are first timers in this and we have MANY questions and yes it is VERY hard to deal with all of the changes that our bodies are going through, and sometimes we just need to vent TOO, and need to share that it sucks sometimes.
No one is saying that they wouldnt gladly deal with all the crappy feelings over and over again just to experience the love of a child one day.

Anyway im done with this. =/

SW-236/GW 125- pre pregnancy weight-133 / current weight- 123!!
Defeated PCOS with the help of my RNY & despite being told I couldnt have kids, i am a proud mommy to Bella Rosa =)
Lilypie - Personal picture

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