Final IVF Scheduled for Monday!!!!
After my "missed" miscarriage late July, D&C in August, huge cyst and very late and goofy AF in September-October, and a three-week round of birth control pills to "fix" everything, my body is as ready as it ever will be. On Monday, November 30, my RE will transfer the remaining embryos. We have four very good quality frozen embryos; we're hoping and praying all four survive the thaw, divide and remain very good quality. The November 30th date is a good was two years ago December 1 that we transferred three embryos--one of which grew to become our now 15-month old son Elijah. Praying for a sticky, sticky bean--or two ;-)
Please keep me and my little ones in your thoughts and prayers. I'll update soon. Happy thanksgiving!
Please keep me and my little ones in your thoughts and prayers. I'll update soon. Happy thanksgiving!