26 week appointment

on 11/6/09 8:10 am - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I went for my 26 week appointment.  I've finally started gaining weight.  By my home scales I'm up a grand total of 2 and a half pounds.    I've been feeling great (other than the sinus crud that I had).  No morning sickness, no round ligament pain, etc.  

Baby boys heart rate sounded good.   My BP and everything else checked out great. 

The P.A. measured my belly about 5 times, but didn't say anything.  She later told me she wanted me to have a growth ultrasound at my next appointment.  I was afraid I was measuring on the small side since I still don't really look pregnant.  I measuring between 29 and 30 weeks!  Holy crap!  

I had my glucose test (I have the band, so I can take it).   I FAILED.   They want your number to be under 140.  Mine was 162.   I didn't have to fast.  I did have something sweet around 10am and had the test at almost 3, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.    I go next week for the 3 hour test.   Honestly, I'll be surprised if I pass it.  

Miss Hannah is growing like a weed.  She had another case of strep and is going to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out in a couple of weeks.   She has to stay in the hospital overnight she isn't two yet.   I dread even the thought of it, but she has had strep 5 times already and none of those were in the winter!  

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

emily B.
on 11/6/09 9:26 am - MO
I am sorry you did not pass the glucose test, yuck!
My 4 year old has his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in when he was almost two. The doctors told me days 5-7 are the worst and they are right. Also if they give her baby codine (SP?) watch for constipation, it really stopped my little guy up. It was so worth having it done though, and he does not remember anything about it.

Good Luck,

Mom to DS 9, DD 7, DS 4 and 1 angel.
on 11/6/09 9:17 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I wonder if there is anything they can give to help offset the constipation.  She's never been on pain meds, but she does have problems with constipation from time to time.  I sure want to avoid any extra discomfort for her if I can.  She had tubes in January.  I've thought about asking them to replace her tubes also.  But she hasn't had an ear infection in almost 4 months.  I really need to call and leave a message with the Dr. seeing what he suggests about the tubes.
One tube is just laying in the ear canal now and the other is halfway out.  The Dr. told us since she was so young when she had them put in we would probably need two sets.   I guess it makes sense to have the replaced and avoid another possible surgery in the future.
on 11/6/09 10:27 am - Smyrna, GA
I am sorry your little Hannah has to go through surgery....will you be able to stay there with her? I will pray for her...

Sorry on glucose test too...ugh....I hope the next one goes well and the ultrasound....I so cannot believe you are almost in third trimester....time has so flown!!!!



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on 11/6/09 9:13 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I will be able to stay there with her.   I wouldn't even think of letting her have the surgery if I couldn't be there lol.
This pregnancy has flown by!
on 11/6/09 12:15 pm - Halsey, OR
Sorry about the glucose test. Do you have to drink that horrible drink again or are they going to retest a different way? I hope it comes back ok, next time.

I hope your daughter's surgery goes ok. My daughter had to have a cyst removed when she was 1 and it was scary but all went well. I think it's harder on us parents than our children.
Tami   "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13
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on 11/6/09 9:20 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I have to drink a drink with even more sugar in it this time.   Instead of a finger ***** they draw my blood at 1 hour increments.    I'm dreading it for sure!   I've missed so much work with Hannah that I'm really trying not to miss any with the pregnancy.   I'm off on Friday, but my Mom is having total knee replacement on Thursday and I was planning on going to visit her (if I have a babysitter for Hannah).  
Hannah had tubes when she was 11 months old. You are right I think it was harder on us than it was her.  
on 11/6/09 1:48 pm
I'm sorry Hannah's going to have to have surgery...but as you said, if she's been sick 5x w/strep at 2 years old, it's time to take them babies out.  I'm a wuss when it comes to strep...I've only ever had it 2x and I was practically crying myself...and I was 30 years old when I had it! I'm sure that the hospital would let either your or your DH spend the night up at the hospital with Hannah.

Re the blood sugar test, I hope that the 3 hour test gets better results than the one you took.  I don't know what they do for gestational diabetes, but whatever they do, I hope that's not what's going on.

Overall though...sounds like you're doing great with your pregnancy and that your baby boy is growing just fine.

 January 2008, 
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Mom to Khaled

on 11/6/09 9:23 pm - Jacksboro, TN
Revision on 02/28/12
I'm not for sure what the treatment is if you have GD either.   I know sometimes it can be controlled by diet and sometimes I think insulin is needed.   I really think that is what is going on.   GD causes the babies to be big, and I'm measuring almost a month ahead.   I think I'm going to go Monday and get the test over with.    I can go anyday of the week as long as I'm there at a certain time.   I'll keep you all updated with the results.
on 11/6/09 9:26 pm - Erie, PA
Sorry Amy :(  I failed the gluc test when I was pregnant with Zachary... I refused the 3 hour and did a 2 hour post prandial test instead.

I'll be doing my gluc test on Wednesday and I don't expect to pass either...

Poor Hannah!! I'll be thinking about you guys! It's hard when they have to stay in the hospital at such a young age!
Lilypie - (b6LK)      Lilypie - (evIs)
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