FRIDAY TTC POST (who is getting a bfp this week?)
Hey all. CD18 of a non medicated cycle. I didn't do any OPK or anything this cycle. We BD CD 13, 15, and 17. That's all, no pressure. I am becoming very discouraged, and I have pretty much lost hope at this point. I am not trying to get sympathy or anything. This is just kind of where I am at. I am begining to accept that it may never happen for us. Good luck to everyone this week!
Did Femara and a double round of IUI on Thursday/Friday, so now I just have to sit and listen to the Jeopardy music in my head for the next two weeks to see if it worked.
Good luck to everyone in the 2ww...encouragement to those losing dust to those who are trying. Most of all, prayers and strength to those who need them.
Wow Shari...10 days and your little man will be here! I hope the coughing has gone away by then.
Good luck to everyone in the 2ww...encouragement to those losing dust to those who are trying. Most of all, prayers and strength to those who need them.
Wow Shari...10 days and your little man will be here! I hope the coughing has gone away by then.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Jeopardy music...I had to lol. Good luck in the 2ww... I hope this is it.
As for me, the coughing just sucks. I cough so hard I dry heave and then throw up saliva. That is not a good scenerio for surgery or a new baby. Praying it will go away. Still not totally convinced it isn't anxiety attacks. days. Can't believe we have been blessed this second time and he will be here any day!
As for me, the coughing just sucks. I cough so hard I dry heave and then throw up saliva. That is not a good scenerio for surgery or a new baby. Praying it will go away. Still not totally convinced it isn't anxiety attacks. days. Can't believe we have been blessed this second time and he will be here any day!