Ovulation question
ok - seriously, this **** again???
CD14, no positive opk - my cycles are 29 days....
when I got pregnant with Bella I got one on CD14. At what point should I be worried? My last 3 cycles have been 29 days apart ( I have had 3 since Bella was 8 weeks). So, I guess maybe just because I am having regular periods doesn't mean I am ovulating?
I am not going to go crazy over it just yet as we are being casual right now, but the goal is to have the same type of age gap between Bella & #3. (20 months) any ideas?
CD14, no positive opk - my cycles are 29 days....
when I got pregnant with Bella I got one on CD14. At what point should I be worried? My last 3 cycles have been 29 days apart ( I have had 3 since Bella was 8 weeks). So, I guess maybe just because I am having regular periods doesn't mean I am ovulating?
I am not going to go crazy over it just yet as we are being casual right now, but the goal is to have the same type of age gap between Bella & #3. (20 months) any ideas?
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
I was using first response, but bought the clear blue easy ones today. Costco has a box of 10 for $20 - for some reason the non digital are getting hard for me to find!
I still haven't gotten a surge, I tested this morning, afternoon and this evening. The first response barely shows a 2nd line, but on the clear blue easy it is pretty close - but still not official.
I guess I should be happy I am even getting a second line, when trying for Bailey and doing IUIs I never got a second line at all!
I still haven't gotten a surge, I tested this morning, afternoon and this evening. The first response barely shows a 2nd line, but on the clear blue easy it is pretty close - but still not official.
I guess I should be happy I am even getting a second line, when trying for Bailey and doing IUIs I never got a second line at all!
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
Dawn- keep testing.
I have a 29-30 day cycle and I usually don't O until day 16 or 17. I test twice a day from day 12 until I get a +, once after lunch and once after dinner. I just talked to the GYN about this on Monday and she said that is totally normal, and that at luteal phase of 10 to 14 days is normal to get PG.
I have a 29-30 day cycle and I usually don't O until day 16 or 17. I test twice a day from day 12 until I get a +, once after lunch and once after dinner. I just talked to the GYN about this on Monday and she said that is totally normal, and that at luteal phase of 10 to 14 days is normal to get PG.
ok - I am going to try this approach. I tested this afternoon and evening. The clear blue easy tests look close, but not quite yet.... today is CD15, so maybe tomorrow. If I don't by Sunday then I will worry.......
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
I use non-digital test for afternoon test and the digitals for the evening test. This might be gross, but don't actually POAS, I do the dip method (I've had too many wasted tests b/c there wasn't enough urine on the test) so if I have a questionable test I either dip another test or dip a digital in the same urine- does any of that make sense??? I know I should buy stock in CBE!!!
Dawn- remember you just had a baby 4 months ago your body is adjusting back to it's non-preggo self.
When I was talking to my OB/GYN about this she told me it will take a while you to figure out your O pattern, and she was right. At first I started testing as soon as AF stopped until she started again just to see if I was a early O'r or a late O'r, so after about 4 months I figured out that I am a day 16-17 O'r.
Sorry for the rambling....
Dawn- remember you just had a baby 4 months ago your body is adjusting back to it's non-preggo self.
When I was talking to my OB/GYN about this she told me it will take a while you to figure out your O pattern, and she was right. At first I started testing as soon as AF stopped until she started again just to see if I was a early O'r or a late O'r, so after about 4 months I figured out that I am a day 16-17 O'r.
Sorry for the rambling....
When going through IUIs they would tell us to call by CD14 if we hadn't gotten one. I always ended up with trigger shots. When trying with Bella I didn't get one by CD14 for like 4 months and ended up with triggers then all of a sudden on the one cycle we were taking a break - BAM! CD14 - I got preggo that cycle with Bella :) Those are the only times I have ever used OPKs....
*sigh* Just afraid my body is jacked up again......
*sigh* Just afraid my body is jacked up again......
Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10