If your hubby had issues with sperm count they would recommend every other day...but no issues then every day is okay. Sperm can live up to 5 days. They say that it only takes one sperm to get that egg...but my specialist while going through fertility treatments said it this only takes one sperm to get in the egg...but it takes millions to peel it like an orange for that one to get in. I say the more the better. Is day 17 the day you get your positive opk? You know you ovulate 12 to 36 hours after the positive right. Also, how long after o until your period comes?? That is your luteal phase and ideally should be 12-16 days or so. Sometimes a short lp can keep implantation from happening. I am sure your cycles are fine...just food for thought. Good luck. And I post on fridays a ttc post...feel free to join in. Shari
I usually get a positive OPK on day 16-17. my cycles are usually 27-28 days. my LP is about 11 days. What do you think ,is this long enough of a phase. My husband has one child that is 6 from a previous marriage and I have a daughter who is 12 from a previuos relationship. so, I know that I can get pregnant, but my luteal phase may have been different back then. Is there anything you can do to make your LP longer. Any suggestions?