My 2 cents and I'm going to tick people off

on 10/24/09 9:31 am - Superior, WI
I agree with you 100%! There are so many complications that can come up if you elect to give birth before you or your baby is ready. My next child I'm going to try a natural birth. My Dr. really pushed the epidural and because of that I could barely feel to push. He gave me an episiotomy and as soon as he did that my son's head came threw to quick and I tore all the way to my rectum. This caused a lot of issues for me. I had no control of my pushing because I couldn't feel to push right. I'm hoping I can still have a baby vaginally. We will see I have a lot of scar tissue. I will be devistated if I have to have a C-section. I must say being induced was necessary for me. My son failed his NST at 41 weeks. My placenta started to break down. I hope I never have to do that again though. My contractions came on so hard and so fast...that I couldn't really get on top of the pain. I think if you go into labor naturally you are able to keep on top of the contractions easier. But he had to come out! You are so lucky to have had your birth experience the way you wanted it. I only wish that happens for me someday.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Mommy to Cameron and Connor
Step Mom to Zack, Kat and Becca

on 10/24/09 9:39 am - Wayne, NJ
We are all entitled to our own opinions, and I think there is nothing wrong with yours.  However, I wanted so bad to have a baby come by my water breaking, rushing to the hospital to deliver, and not have any drugs.  But it just so happened that my son was too large to deliver, and they scheduled a c-section on me 2 weeks early.  Good thing they did, he was 12.2 lbs.  (medical reasons of course).  My second baby was big, but not like my first, he was 9.6 lbs, could have easily been delivered, but again, my doctors automatically scheduled a s-section 2 weeks before due date cuz they thought the size could be at risk.  Not my choice.  So sometimes these people are excited over being induced cuz their OB's make it seem like its not a big deal. 

However I have to totally agree with you.  My neighbor just had a baby and it was totally scheduled induction, cuz she didnt' know her hubby's work schedule the week of the due date.  Who cares where he will be!!!!  That baby should come on its own, not just cuz you want it to come when all are available.  That aggravates me too!!!!!!

I just found out I am pregnant with #3, and I am certain my docs will not even give me a chance to have a VBAC, which upsets me.  I want to push and try it naturally, but my hospital doesn't allow.  I was actually thinking of switching doc's just so I have a chance to try!

Good luck to you.

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(deactivated member)
on 10/24/09 12:56 pm
nothing is wrong with you posting your opinion. you started this poll so if ppl dont like it, they dont have to comment. its called hit the back button :)

anyways i had pre-eclampsia so i had to be induced and even though i had patosin(chk spelling) my cervix wouldnt dialate so i ended up having to have a c-section the next day.

i really hope that i will be able to have a vbac whenever my husband and i conceive again and hopefully can do it natural and hopefully a water birth :)

now i agree with you about inducing for no reason, that is a human messing with God's timetable. my sister in law was induced and her daughter was born the same day as my son (Aug 30th) because her doctor didnt want her to go into labor over labor day weekend because he planned on being at a bbq... wth??? ummm NO!

just my opinions :)
Bailey's Mommy!
on 10/24/09 3:21 pm - Sacramento, CA
I had to be induced with Bailey - and I am glad I was because she had a true knot in her cord.... she could have very well been gone the next day.

I went into labor on my own with Bella and was SO thankful. That morning my Doc knew I was starting to get tired and offered an induction, however I declined. I laugh that later that afternoon I freaked out because I was in so much pain, changed my mind called my Doc to schedule and induction and was waiting for her to call me back the next day - went into labor that night! LOL! The reason I was in pain that afternoon was because I was in labor - duh! :) She asked me that next morning -so I guess I don't need to return your call?? :) She must have known - I was dialated to a 4 the morning before!

I did breakdown and get an epidural both times. I really, really, tried the 2nd time, but was in hard back labor and not progressing from 1:30 to 6:30 am. My Doc came in and broke my water at 730ish and I had her an hour later - I did ask for them to turn off my epidural when I hit a 9....

With both of my deliveries I only had to push 3 times and only had 1 stitch with my first.

Thank you for posting this - I didn't take it the wrong way at all!! I think that everyone should be educated on whatever option it is they decide to take.

Personally I am hoping to for (god willing I am blessed with a child again) one more birth experience. This time I would like to try to not have an epidural - but like you keep any open mind about it. I would love to look into hypnobirthing - or even hire a Duola (sp?) next time around. I like that because I asked them to turn off my epidural with Bella that I could feel what was happenening - including some pain, so I am hopeful that next time I can make it without it! :)

Dawn Momma to:
Bailey Rachelle Renee 8/21/07, Baby #2 in heaven 4/12/08,
Isabella Ava Rose 6 18/09
, Carter Kenneth 7/14/10

on 10/25/09 2:28 am - Milford, ME
Isn't it fascinating how everyone has different beliefs and feelings on the same subject, it's neat to see how diversified things can be! I like hearing about everyone's stories and different experiences and realizing how no two birth experiences seem to be the same!

As for me, bring on the drugs!!!!!!!!!!!! Even with the epidurals in my two births, I felt EVERYTHING when it got to the point of pushing, the epidural just got me through the "laboring" part of dialating. When it was time to do the really hard work, holy ouch! But I would do it again and again and again, what an amazing experience it is!!!
monet s.
on 10/25/09 6:08 am - Mountains of, NC
I agree PamperedDarcy, its interesting to read such varying opinions on one subject! 

Luckily I went into labor on my own, but what was interesting was that I was scheduled to be induced the next morning.  The doctor wanted me at the hospital around 8am, but I started having contractions around 11pm the night before.  He wanted to induce because my baby's movements had decreased and he felt she was starting to become too cramped.  I completely agreed and was all for it!  I'm glad things happened when they did because when he broke my water there was meconium (spelling?) and as we all know, that is very unhealthy for the baby. 

This brings me to the epidural part.  Due to the meconium, I was forced to lay immobile in my hospital bed during all 17 hours of labor.  I had a little water flushing tube going up inside of my uterus the entire time trying to clean out the meconium.  I could not move and had a horrible time dealing with the contractions.  I did ask for an epidural and so glad I did!  I was given pitocin to help the contractions along because it was taking me so long to advance in my labor.  The pain was unbearable!  I really think had I had the privilege of being able to walk and move around things would have been so much different.  I really had no birthing plan as far as natural, medicated, etc.  I just wanted to try natural, but leave the option for an epidural if I needed it. 

We're currently trying to conceive #2 right now.  We're in our third month of trying after miscarrying over the summer.  I've already been thinking about the birth of our second child if we are blessed with another baby.  I'd like to try natural if at all possible, but again, its up to the cir****tances.  If this baby gets cramped like my first, then I'm all for induction.  And if medical problems keep me from being able to move from my bed, then bring on the drugs!  Before my epidural with Bella I was going insane with the pain!  And to beat it all, it took 3 epidurals before one finally took!  It was so nice to be able to relax and enjoy the entire experience - and I remember it all!  She is a beautiful and very healthy 22 month old now!

I do envy those who are fortunate enough to have birthing experiences that allow for an all natural birth, but at the same time I can sympathize with and relate to those who do decide that an epidural works better for them.

Kathy W.
on 10/25/09 2:10 pm - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
I completely agree. I think it is the fault of the doctors making things sound easier to do it with a section or inducing. There are reason why people have it done. I read one PP's hubby goes out of town for work. I can see them doing something then cause my friend's hubby almost missed one of her births. I wanted to do a water birth but since I have a problem with my blood pressure dropping like a stone and passing out, I am going to have a section. My OB office agreed with me when I said stress causes my bp to drop and the last thing they want is a woman passing out in the middle of labor. Not how I wanted to deliver, but how I have to. Will I be scared? Absolutely. Epidurals scare the **** outta me. But I will do it since it will be the best for me, the baby, and everyone involved in the birth process.

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 10/25/09 2:46 pm
Kathy are you sure that information is correct? Epidurals can cause very large drops in blood pressure. I have low blood pressure and had an epidural with my weight loss surgery. My blood pressure dropped and I became very dizzy and remained low until they pulled it.

Kathy W.
on 10/25/09 2:53 pm - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
That's what the midwife said.

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 10/25/09 10:05 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Be educated, have a physician you can trust. Do what's best for your health and baby's health.

That's the bottom line. Regardless of how you get there, safety should be number 1 priority.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



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