Rubber Ducky
I have looked high and low for a Squeaky Rubber Ducky- not one with a temperature thing on it, a plain yellow squeaky rubber ducky (like on Sesame Street). My niece loves that song, and we can't find one local. Any suggestions (besides Internet). We must have just not looked at the right place. (Wal-mart, Target, Dollar Store, Dollar General, BRU, TRU) AHhhhaahahhh- poor kid doesn't have a true rubber ducky to take a bath with. Thanks!
I know that I have seen them at the Wal-Mart here. Did you check both the baby and toy aisle? I know this summer I was buying a gift and K-Mart had rubber duckies in a bag for 10 dollars and there were like 10-20 ducks. I almost bought them, but I decided no kid needed that many rubber ducks. Have you tried toy stores, such as KBToys? I know it may be crazy but what about Spencer's gifts or someplace like that? Maybe even JCPennys in the baby section. Maybe try baby stores in general.