A Week Late But NOT Pregnant?
I had a "missed miscarriage", so after waiting three weeks for my body to miscarry on its own I had a D&C mid-August (thank you everyone for your support and words of advice). I started my period (is there an Internet short-hand I should be using for this word?) about a month later. Before the miscarriage/D&C I was very regular and only missed (twice) when I was pregnant (twice). Although I knew there was virtually no chance I could get pregnant with just BDing, I took an HPT on Tue at 5 days late but of course it was negative. No pregnancy or period signs. RE said to wait another week and then call him. I'm not on any hormones yet. We're waiting to start this cycle so we can do what's likely to be our last IVF ever (four embryos left). My irrational mind gives me crappy ideas...I have Asherman's Syndrome like my sister and my uterus has closed up shop for good, etc. Would a missed miscarriage and DC screw up the period two months later? Anything else it could be?
Its been a rough summer for you! The shorthand for period on here is AF (Aunt Flo) But just remember to try and keep your thoughts positive. We are the worryingess sort of people (women) in the world. However, I wish you all the best in your journey.
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10 138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle: Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.