Anyone else sick of morning sickness?
Since 2/12/08. I have went from 364 to 210. Thank You RNY!
No More PCOS, had my first baby 04.24.10!
My Life is wonderfully full because of my tool! (RNY)
I was sick as a dog for 7 months with my first – hooked up to an IV for fluids and nutrition 3 times. Thank God she came 5 weeks early – I was 10 lbs lighter after I had her then when I started. I puked morning noon and night and every which way in-between.
With this pregnancy it was even worse up until 20 weeks. I would be hanging over the sink vomiting or gagging and pee all over myself because I was gagging so bad I couldn’t control anything else. One time this summer I was at the pool and started to vomit and gag, I ran for the bathroom, and **** all over myself… OH YES… IT’S THAT BAD!!! I had to carry plastic bags everywhere I went and once when I ran out I had to throw up in my $900 purse… nice. Now that I’m 29 weeks… it’s back… and it sucks. Both pregnancies I have been hooked up to IV for malnutrition and dehydration, both pregnancies I have been on the same anti-nausea med they prescribe cancer patients and it didn’t always work… IT STINKS!!
Hi Leila,
Yes - both are post-op.
I have/had hyperemesis gravidarum with both – it’s rare and it’s horrible, but once you hold that baby in your arms… you totally and completely forget and you’re ready to do it again. :) …Then when you do it again and you’re puking and gagging over the sink holding on to the faucet to keep you steady from the heaving, your eyes are watering, and you’re trying REALLY hard not to pee you swear to God and all that is Holy that this kid better come out pooping gold.
On the upside, I seem to cook them fast so I don’t do the last month of pregnancy and my labors are a breeze! I did my first totally naturally and 40 minutes was uncomfortable… bad comes with the good!