Well... tomorrow's the day!
I remember that first ultrasound. They drug me in there early because I had some slight bleeding....and I was excited going in...I was 5 1/2 wks....all they saw was the gestational sac!!! Nothing else! That doctor scared me so bad talkin about a DNC. Don't let them do that to you!! I don't know how far along you are, but keep the faith. I waited two more weeks to return at 71/2 wks fully afraid that my baby wouldnt be there...even though I had faith it was! WEird i know! There it was, heartbeat, baby, and everything just like it was supposed to be! Just remember to be positive....I will most definitely pray for you.
I have had three ultrasounds and I am only 101/2 wks...I still am nervous going in there. But now I'm kind of spoiled, because I don't get another one until 20wk!!!!!!!!!! That is 10 more wks to go!!!!!!! Just takes faith....you just keep yours!
Updated since I had my baby....280(highest pregnant)/245(current)/140 still is my goal and I know I can do it!!!
God Bless your little miracle!
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