? about testing and late ovulation
Hello - I was hoping for your input on my current situation. Long story short - I miscarried on July 7th at 6 weeks (blighted ovum). Hubby and I are trying to get pregnant again. We failed during my last cycle, but there is still hope for this cycle. Here is the deal....
My cycles are usually 30 days, today is CD33 though and no sign of AF. I took an OPK and got a positive result on CD18. The thing is, I broke down and took a HPT late last night (2 in fact) and both came back negative. I'm stupid, I know. I just couldn't wait until this morning and those were the only 2 I had, so I wasn't able to test again this morning. I'm trying not to get upset, there is still hope, right? #1 - I shouldn't have taken it at night, the last time I went to the bathroom was 3 hours prior. #2 - Since I didn't get a positive OP****il day 18, I could have ovulated on CD18 or later (maybe 19, possibly 20?), so it would still be early to detect the HCG levels on an HPT. #3 - The biggest screw-up, it was late and I wasn't really thinking, so I only let the test strips soak in the urine for 5 seconds instead of 20 (again, stupid).
Maybe I'm not really even looking for input, rather just a place to vent. I don't want anyone (friends/family) to know we're trying and I know you ladies are so gracious in listening to other people pour out their feelings. I soooo want this to work. I guess I should be happy its day 33 and still no AF. Have any of you late ovulaters ever experienced this? A negative HPT on the day you expected AF, or even the day after? I guess I'll get another couple of tests and try again (this time in the morning though).
Anyway, thanks for listening! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I wish you the best!!! Stacey
To answer your question about neg tests... I tested the day I should have gotten AF and got a neg. I went to the PCP and got a bloodtest and it was pos. That was a little over 24 hours later. Now, he thinks I am preggers again and told me not to waste my time taking another HPT since I didn't show the last time.
Hope this helps and good luck!
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10