34 WEEK, HUGE UPDATE, pun intended...lol

Shari M.
on 10/5/09 7:18 am, edited 10/5/09 7:19 am - Wildomar, CA
First...I woke this morning with a bad back ache and menstral like cramps. I had 3 different appointments today for the 34 week thing.

I had an appointment this morning. I am having this really hard time with stress and anxiety right now over a thing with the inlaws family that I don't really want to get into....but the stress is causing my blood sugar levels to whack out, bad. The doc increased my insulin. She said I would do my gbs in 2 weeks. Also, I have gained 2 more pounds for a grand total of 14....much better than the 70 with Emma!!

Then I went for my 34 week growth scan. I knew baby Micah was measuring big...but boy was I shocked!! He is measuring in at 38 weeks and 8 lbs, give or take a pound. Holy Moly!!

This means that my VBAC is out of the question I am sure...as my HMO won't induce labor or give meds to stimulate contractions for vbacs. So, I am having huge anxiety about a repeat c-section after all of the complications with Emma.

Then I went for my non stress test and the nurse said I was having contractions about every 6-7 minutes...but like I said they just feel like constant menstrual cramps. So, she sent me home with orders to stay hydrated and rest...come back if they get harder or regular for an hour.

I called Sara, my angel, and told her to have her angel wings ready... I have a feeling this one is coming early. I am waiting to hear back from my perientologist to see if a c-section is recommended, which I am sure it will be. And I have a list of questions for her since my next appointment is in 2 weeks with a midwife and I don't see the specialist again until 37 weeks.

Anyway, please keep this babe in your thoughts and prayers...just because he measures 38 weeks, doesn't mean his lungs and organs are developed to that. I want him to bake a bit longer. And keep my stress in your thoughts and prayers too. I had a bad anxiety attack on Friday and I really don't need that at this point in my pg. I haven't even packed a bag yet or have the bassinet I am borrowing from my sister in law! Egads...so much to do still!

Thanks for reading my update! Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

Chavon T.
on 10/5/09 7:57 am - Irmo, SC
Hey Shari!

Good to hear baby boy is growing so well. We will definitely encourage him to keep baking though! Sorry to hear about your stressful situation. I think we have to keep reminding ourselves that nothing is worth affect that stress has on us now. You've come so far to let anything stand in your way. I wlll definitely be thinking of you and waiting to hear more! Lots of hugs!

- Chavon      
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10  138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle:  Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.

Shari M.
on 10/5/09 1:31 pm - Wildomar, CA
Thanks Chavon. I am putting things on the back burner as much as I can...but this thing can't be swept under the rug. And I am trying hard to get the rest I need. Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

on 10/5/09 8:07 am - IA
Sending calming vibes to you with all that stress.

A little verse that I saw on a coffee cup once that kind of stuck with me:

"Worry and stress do not save tomorrow from it's challenges but only rob today of its joy."

Easier said than done, I know, but it has helped me to calm down a few times.

Keep bakin'!!!! ....Natalie
  Lilypie - (vYH7)
on 10/5/09 9:17 am - Weirton, WV
Natalie's quote reminds of the following that is on my SIL's facebook: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Worry accomplishes nothing. Worry reveals lack of faith. Worry affects your releationships. Worry damages your health. 92% of the things we worry about we will never face. ~~~

Shari, good luck with everything going on. I hope the family issues work themselves out without causing you much more pain. From your last several posts I can tell this is weighing heavily on your mind. Keep taking care of yourself and the little one. We need to keep you baking a few more weeks to get those lungs ready for your baby.

Momma to Alex 1/08/2007
Shari M.
on 10/6/09 4:08 am - Wildomar, CA
I do totally agree about the 92%...lol It is just the 8 % that we have to face that sucks...and it has to do with my daughters well being...so have to face it. Thanks for the support Jen. Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

Shari M.
on 10/5/09 1:33 pm - Wildomar, CA
You are so right. You know today I just cuddled Emma and relaxed all day...didn't worry about the house or anything. She is my joy and I need to remember that and take one day at a time. Thanks! Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

Liz R.
on 10/5/09 8:35 am - Easton, PA
Sending thoughts and prayers that the little misters lungs and organs are in good shape, that he can bake a bit longer without Mamma being too uncomfortable and that the c-section is uneventful!

Shari M.
on 10/5/09 1:34 pm - Wildomar, CA
I really need all the thoughts and prayers I can get right now, so thanks a million! I took it easy today and I am leaving the c-section in Gods hands. Shari
Photobucket Photobucket  Micah 18 months, Emma 3

on 10/5/09 12:23 pm

First off - congrats on doing such a fantastic job w/the weight gain w/this pregnancy!  That has to be a huge (pun intended here) help re your health.  Imagine how out of whack your sugar would be if you'd gained as much as  you did w/Emma.  Especially with all you've had going on w/this pregnancy - school, moving, now the family issues....you're doing fine.

Re the family issues...I don't know if it's possible...but can you try to put it on a back burner for these last few weeks?  ie...since it's in-law issues...just ask your husband not to keep you in the loop and to keep it away from you at least until after the baby's born?  I am one of those people who DON'T worry about things, but know how much it can affect your health when you do worry...because my DH is a huge worrier and has had anxiety attacks and high blood pressure due to stress/worrying.  I know this won't make the family issue go away...but at least it'll get it out of your realm while you focus on you and the baby for now.

Will they be doing any tests to check his lungs, to make sure how developed they are and see if you need the steroids in case you do go into early labor?  He does sound like a perfect size - my son was 9 lb 12 oz  - to be born now...but you're right...if his lungs aren't ready...then he's not ready.

I'll be praying for a break from the family stress...and for you to keep on baking for a few more weeks. 

 January 2008, 
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