Possible Miscarriage
Well, I started bleeding heavy this morning and cramping. Pregnancy test this morning positive. The doctor feels I am in the process of miscarriage. So, I will have levels checked today and Wednesday and then until they are zero. Then, at the start of my next period we will do the IUI that was already paid for and I have the medication for.
Oh sweet Traci...I am so sorry....you have the BEST outlook and attitude...along with all of the love you have to offer, you are going to be a terrific mom and I pray that it happens for you the next cycle....you are in my thoughts and prayers....I wish I could change the outcome of what is happening to you....my prayers, thoughts and heart are with you!!!!
I'm currently in the 2ww. I just ovulated last week. Dr. started me on baby aspirin, and as of yesterday I started progesterone. I'll stay on that until I get my period, or if I'm lucky, and I get a positive until about 14 weeks. I also see a specialist on Friday for recurrent miscarriages. We'll see if he wants me to do anything else. I should start on the 15th. I'm trying to make myself hold off until after I miss. So hard to do!