Huge congrats to Cathie and Darcy with wishes for a happy and healthy nine months! I love graduating you girls to the baking mamas post!
And please forgive me if I have forgotten a change on the list, the past couple weeks have been hectic. Just let me know adds or changes okay.
Thanks for the birthday wishes too...we had a good getaway.
And to the girls that posted last week::
Angie ~ I have everything crossed for you. Did you get the IUI?? Good luck in the 2ww, keep your head up!
Amy ~ did your cycle balance out? Have you o'd??
Lisa ~ Remind me if you made an appointment for this stuff? I know you were contemplating. 2 annovulatory cycles would have me on the phone! Keep your head up is bound to come soon. I think metformin might help greatly.
Holly ~ Glad you are okay. I really hope this is your cycle!!
Tami ~ I was glad to see you posting... I have missed you and worried about you!
Kathy ~ Well, whats the verdict?? I haven't been able to read all the posts the last couple of days.
How is everyone else doing this week??
OH TTC list
ak_lisa ~ TTC 7yrs, on BC (for next 9mths), PCOS
Amy K ~ TTC after loss
Angie ~ TTC #1 5/08. PCOS and on metformin.
Anita C ~ TTC #1 since 04/08
DaNell ~ TTC #2 since 9/08.
Debbi ~ TTC since 4/09, loss 8/09
DunnyBoctor ~ TTC since 11/08
Erika E ~ TTC #1 since 5/09 with PCOS
Holly ~ TTC since 12/07 with losses'
Janessa ~ TTC #1 since 1/08 (PCOS ??) on hold until September
Jackie ~ TTC since 6/09 after loss
Jen Jen ~ TTC # since 9/09
Jennifer ~ TTC #2 since 3/09 currently on Femara
Julia ~ TTC #1 Since 3/09 with PCOS currently on Metformin and Clomid
Kathy W. ~ TTC since 9/09 after loss
Kim ~ TTC #1 for 5 years, currently on Clomid
Lisa ~ TTC #2 since 3/09
Lisa B ~ TTC #2
Malena ~ TTC #2 since 4/09
Mamasanny29 ~ TTC #3
Marla ~ TTC #1 2 years pre op and since 9/09 post op
Mickey ~ TTC #1 since 7/05 with unexplained fertility-on a break from 9/0-6/09.
Pam P ~ TTC #1 since 3/09
Samara ~ TTC #2 (assisted with meds)
Sandy~ TTC #3 (#1 for hubby) since 1/06 after mc with PCOS.
Shannon1 ~ TTC #1 since 4/07-starting clomid/iui on 1/09, on to injectables/iui in 08/09.
Sherry-Lynn ~ TTC for 15 years, on clomid and metformin
Tami ~ TTC #2
Traci ~ TTC #1 Since 6/08
Some common terms:
TTC - trying to conceive
BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)
BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)
CD - the day of your menstrual cycle
O - ovulation
DPO - days past ovulation
LP - luteal phase (time from ovulation to period)
AF - aunt flow ( your period)
PG - pregnant/pregnancy
MC - misscarriage
RE - reproductive endocrinologist
OPK - ovulation prediction kit
CL - coverline ( for those taking their temps to confirm ovulation)
Met - metformin or glucophage ( a diabetes medication sometimes taken to help hormone levels and ovulation)
BD - baby dancing ( having timed intercourse)
DTD - doing the deed
IUI - inter uterine insemination
IVF - in vitro fertilization
PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome
POAS - pee on a stick (taking a pregnancy test)
2WW - two week wait...time from ovulation until you can test for pg
I'm here to ask if I can be re-added to the TTC list. Things in my life have been pretty icky as well, therefore we took a time out from TTC, but now I'm back!! My cycle has been crazy, so it's been really hard to chart, but I bought some fertlity tests so I hope that helps.
Anyway, we've been TTC seriously again just in the past month.
Good luck to the rest of you!!!
Hope things get better for you. I had a neg test at the hospital and one today, Then the damn ***** showed her ugly face. I really need to see the doctor since I am peeing all the time and nautious. Something is wrong since I aint preggers. Not to mention my boobs and eating.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
I'm still in my two week wait - I have another week of that, then we'll see what happens. I'm doing good w/the progesterone 3x a day, no major side effects other than I'm tired as all get out...which I assume/believe is from the progesterone.
Good luck to all the other ladies out there...and congrats to the graduates!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Good luck to everyone TTC and baby dust to all!
Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009,
July 2010
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