clomid advice?
Hey everyone, just wondering if all of you that have taken clomid had any advice. We have been TTC for 7 months after having mirena removed (had it in for less than 1 yr). I already have a 2 yo daughter so it has happened before! I am starting my first round of clomid on sunday and just wondering your thoughts or experiences. Thank you in advance!
Chlomid brought on a lot of eggs. I had about 6 eggs the first time and then the next time I had 8 and finally (I think they gave me a shot of something else too) I had 16 eggs. Needless to say on the 16 hubby couldn't turn in my direction as we awaited an extraction to do our IVF. Or else I would have dusted Octomom badly! I can't even imagine!!!
336lbs 6/19/06 - 198 lbs - 6/19/10 138 lbs gone forever!!!
We have our miracle: Jakob Makhi born 4-15-10; 4 lbs. 10 oz. 22" long.
Both times I have taken it I have noticed hot flashes, especially in the first few days, my skin usually breaks out, and I can feel a little more irritated, but it isn't really too bad. The last time I took it, we got pregnant that same cycle. Right now I am in my 2ww, so I don't know if it worked this time. Good luck!!
I was on it for about 5 months with them increasing the dosage every month and never would ovulate. I then decided to start crushing them before I took them followed by a little caffeine to maybe help kick start them. I finally ovulated that month and the next that I stayed on clomid. good luck
Ashe mommy to D.L. 12/23/01 Logan 1/7/04 Noah 5/6/08, Gabriel 2/11/10 & Proud Army wife to Kris